New Year’s Eve
Some Have Entertained Angels Unawares

Grace, mercy, and peace to you from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ! 
Amen! God says to you tonight in His Book of Hebrews, “Let brotherly love 
continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some 
have entertained angels unawares.”

Dear Christian friends,

The people of my generation remember more than the Sony Walkman and the 
original Dukes of Hazard. We remember the Cold War. We did not understand the 
full scope of tension between the nuclear superpowers, but we knew we could die 
if someone pushed a button. We lived in the shadow of the atomic bomb.

Those were the good old days, when the threat of death lived far across the 
ocean. Today, the threat of death might be wearing a baseball cap and suffering 
from acne. Everyone must now be held in some degree of suspicion.

You now expose yourself to grave danger if you pick up a male hitchhiker. (You 
might run a greater risk of sorrow and misfortune if the hitchhiker is a 
female.) The popular website Craigslist has been used to identify victims, 
turning common and everyday business transactions into risky business. Our 
Missouri District president sang the praises of a recent pastor’s conference 
devoted to church security. Why? Church security is—right now—a problem for 
more than one congregation here in Missouri. You can’t even feel comfortable 
hiring a transient to do a day’s work for you: if he does not hurt you, he 
himself might get hurt and file suit against you. Simply stated, our culture 
has become a minefield.

This is what God says to us who live in this minefield: “Let brotherly love, 
continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some 
have entertained angels unawares.” What in the world are we supposed to do with 
these Words? Is our God telling us to fling open the doors of our cars and our 
homes—ignoring the risk and danger we might thus impose upon our 
families—because that guy asking for your help might be an angel? 

NO. God has given you the office, the duty, the responsibility of protecting 
and caring for your family. God has NOT given you the duty and responsibility 
of sacrificing your family upon the altar of showing hospitality to strangers. 
Stated another way, you do NOT have a Word from God to place your spouse or 
your child into harm’s way. Father Abraham is the only person who ever received 
such a Word from God, and once was enough for that! (Genesis 22. Our Lutheran 
forefathers lamented, “The people heard that Abraham had offered up his son. 
And so they put their sons to death…” [Apology IV.209].)

Nevertheless, these Words from God are very good for us, even if they might 
seem exceedingly dangerous and possibly fraught with bodily harm. For example:

1.      These Words from God teach us that we must never abandon our good works 
of charity and love toward others—including works of love toward strangers, 
“for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” Certainly our acts of 
brotherly kindness cannot be as glib as opening a car door for everyone we see. 
But we must not simply chalk off any and all opportunities to do 
good—“especially to the family of believers” (Galatians 6:10). We must, more 
than ever, “be wise as serpents and innocent as doves” (Matthew 10:16). Every 
act of kindness should be carefully mediated and clearly weighed so that, while 
attempting to give help to one person, you do not expose someone else to harm 
or danger.

In this regard, we must each be more careful to “play our position,” so to 
speak. Like it or not, husbands and fathers might find themselves in a better 
capacity to “show hospitality to strangers” than perhaps their wives or 
children might be. Heads of households might need to decide which acts of 
charity get shown to whom. And maybe—considering the climate of our 
culture—maybe an angel or two gets turned away from your door in the name of 
faithfulness to your office.

2.      These Words from God also clearly show us how desperately and 
continually we need our God’s ongoing mercy and grace. The increasing 
aggression of our culture makes it increasingly difficult for us to do what God 
commands—as if our own sins were not enough of a hurdle for us to overcome. 
What are we to do, other than to beg God’s mercy and to trust in His 
forbearance? Praise the God of our salvation! The forgiveness God has for you 
in Christ Jesus extends even that far—even into the sin you commit against a 
stranger while showing love and protection to your family.

3.      Perhaps best of all, God’s Words here in Hebrews 13 go on to offer us 
great comfort and deep consolation, even for those times when we find ourselves 
taking a bit of a risk. Why? Because God says a very important thing to us 
after He says, “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers.” After God 
says these Words—and after He goes on to say other things about prison visits, 
marriage and living contentedly—God speaks this promise to you, which SHALL NOT 

“I will never leave you nor forsake you.” So we can confidently say, “The Lord 
is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me?” 
That is a promise upon which you can hang your hat, dear saints! Even after we 
do everything we are able to do, in order to remain safe, we are nevertheless 
safe and secure ONLY because of our dear God’s continual care and protection. 
Even though our culture has so changed that everyone around us must now be held 
in some degree of suspicion, the Words and promises of God are never suspect 
and they never change. God has promised you upon an oath, “I will never leave 
you nor forsake you,” and these Words will faithfully keep and preserve you, 
even if violence should tragically erupt right next to you. 

“I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Hardly any other Words will give us a 
better start for this New Year! “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” That 
promise is as faithful for your future as it has been for your past. “I will 
never leave you nor forsake you.” Let’s keep our eyes open, and see what good 
fruit these Words will miraculously produce in us!

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