"Everything Is Ready"
Twentieth Sunday after Trinity
October 13, 2013
Matthew 22:1–14

One thing about Jesus, He can tell a story. Some of His parables are
beautiful pictures of the grace and love of God. They come to mind
when we want a picture of what kind of love God has for us and how He
loves us. The prodigal son, the shepherd seeking out the one lost
sheep, and so on. Today’s Gospel reading presents to us a rich,
beautiful picture with a king and the lavish feast he prepares for his
guests. It’s a marvelous image of all that God prepares and His
gracious invitation.

But there’s something about this parable that is jarring. If you’ve
ever been to a family gathering and relatives began arguing, it
certainly mars the occasion. The Church is a family, and it’s sad to
say, but things such as voters’ meetings sometimes have brother and
sister Christians treating each other in very un-Christian ways.

This beautiful picture of the wedding feast of the king for his son is
marred by the callous rejection of the invitees. It’s not just that
they said, “No thanks, we have other things going on,” it’s that some
of them made sport of their refusal. And what is sport to some is
heinous by most peoples’ standards. Some of those invited to the feast
“seized his servants, treated them shamefully, and killed them.” What
is going on here? Why such a horrific reaction to a gracious

And if this beautiful picture of the wedding feast and gracious
invitation doesn’t come to a jarring halt with the actions of those
who were invited, we are further jolted by the response of the king.
“The king was angry, and he sent his troops and destroyed those
murderers and burned their city.” What should have been a joyous event
turned into a murderous spree and the king responding in kind, putting
the murderers to death and burning their city.

The thing about parables is that they’re stories. Stories come in two
kinds. There are ‘true stories,’ as they’re often called, stories
about actual events. And then there are fictional stories, or as some
like to refer to them, ‘not real.’ Even so, fictional stories, that
is, stories that don’t recount actual events, often are told for the
purpose of delivering truth. The events recounted may not be actual,
but the truth conveyed by the telling of the events is most definitely

This ultimately is why Jesus is such a good story-teller. It’s not
just that He’s good at telling stories, and He is. It’s that what He
is bringing across in the telling of the stories, is the truth. And
it’s not just stuff that’s true. It’s the Truth, as in capital T
truth. He is telling His parables in order to proclaim to us the
ultimate truth of the Gospel.

That’s the reason why some of His parables end up being so jarring.
Why we have regular people responding to an invitation with murder.
Why we have the king dealing with that response with putting them to
death. Why when the wedding feast is finally filled with guests,
there’s a man who has no wedding garment and the king throws him out
into utter darkness, where there is eternal torment.

This kind of stuff doesn’t sound like Gospel to us. Somewhere deep
down we wish these kinds of things didn’t roll off the tongue of our
Lord Jesus Christ. We’d much rather hear the good stuff, the beautiful
portrayals of God’s rich grace and mercy and love. We’d rather not
have to come to terms with the murdering stuff, and the casting out
into eternal darkness stuff. Where’s the Gospel in that? Where’s the
love? Where’s the grace?

It’s in this. It’s in Jesus’ brilliance as a story-teller. You can be
a great story-teller and still not tell the ultimate truth. When Jesus
tells His story it’s always about the ultimate truth. It is the
Gospel. The Gospel is pure grace. The Gospel is the pure love of God.
It is the pure giving of all blessings on the part of God with no
conditions attached to it.

The sad fact is, and this why Jesus speaks the way He does, is that
some people reject this pure Gospel. Some people want nothing to do
with the grace of God. Some disdain the pure love of God and His gifts
and blessings. Jesus knows this. He knows that we sinful people are
inclined to disregard the love of God. He knows this and so He speaks
to it. His beautiful picture of the grace of God is marred, so to
speak, by the brutal details of rejection and murder and casting into
utter darkness, because we sinners mar His gracious invitation of
eternal glory.

Jesus is not afraid to speak the truth. He does it because it’s His
love for us that drives Him to be utterly honest with us. He has
prepared a lavish feast and we so often disdain it. That’s why He
speaks as He does about the brutal details. This is His warning to us.
It is His making us aware that we shouldn’t take lightly the gracious
invitation God extends to us. It is to our eternal peril if we do.

The only way the Gospel can be given is with another message first
given. It is the Law. The Law is the opposite of grace. The Law is not
a message of a gift given, but of demands that must be met. It is the
message that you do not meet that demand. It is the message that you
are therefore under condemnation. That’s jarring, there’s no doubt.
It’s not what we want to hear. We want to go straight to the part that
sounds good. But Gospel apart from Law is no Gospel.

On the cross Jesus dealt with the demands of the Law. In other words,
Jesus didn’t just die because that was part of the plan. Jesus
suffered on the cross for the very purpose of meeting the demands of
the Law. What God demanded of you He exacted of His Son. What God
rightfully ought to have demanded of you, He laid on His Son. And when
the righteous holy wrath of God was assuaged in forsaking His
only-begotten Son, His only-begotten Son declared, “It is finished.”
The sin of the world was paid for. The atonement of God with the world
was accomplished. The peace of God toward the crown of His creation
shone brightly. God and man were now at peace. Jesus Christ
accomplished it all. The proof of this was the resurrection of Christ.
In rising from the grave, God was saying, “What My Son accomplished in
suffering and dying is good for every person for all eternity.”

It is finished. It is accomplished. It has all been done. Everything
is ready. There’s nothing left to do but prepare a Feast. A rich
feast. An eternal feast. A feast so lavish that it defies description.
Perhaps the best that can be done is what Christ Himself did in
saying, simply, “Everything is ready.” Everything, as in, there is
nothing else that is needed, or can be done, or might need to be
worked out somewhere down the line, or that you might have to worry
about at some point. If you want to know what you need to know for
your sin and how God has dealt with it, look at the cross and Jesus’
words, “It is finished.” These words flow right into the King’s words,
“Everything is ready.”

All you need to do is, well, nothing. I suppose you could say that you
need to enjoy it, and rejoice in it, and give thanks for it, and
believe that it’s true. You might point out that it would be a good
thing to marvel at the amazing invitation of God to participate in
such a feast. But none of that wouldn’t really be doing anything,
would it? No, it couldn’t be, because, as Jesus said, “Everything is
ready.” Everything has been done. All has been accomplished, and you
simply get to enjoy it.

It is the Eternal Feast. It is eternal glory in the presence of God.
You don’t experience it in the fullness of this glory yet, because
your Lord has not returned in glory yet. That will come in His own
good time. In the meantime, every time at this His Table He prepares
His Feast for you it is this Feast of everlasting glory. When you
partake of this Feast, partaking of His body and blood, you are
participating in this Feast with angels, archangels, and countless
Christians who have gone before you, the whole company of heaven. You
are participating in it in the fullness of its blessings even as it is
not in the fullness of its glory. And yet it is nevertheless a
foretaste of the Feast to Come.

Every time He prepares His Meal here for you, His invitation is the
same: everything is ready. There’s nothing you need to do. You don’t
have to bring something with you or think of something nice you can do
for Him. In repentance and humility you see that your sins make you
very undeserving of this rich and lavish gift. But your Lord tells you
that it is for these sins He gives you this rich and lavish gift,
forgiving your sins in it.

Jesus tells it straight. Our sins require that. If you want to hear
Him speak of His grace and love, consider the prayer we prayed in the
Collect of the Day: “O Lord, grant to Your faithful people pardon and
peace that they may be cleansed from all their sins and serve You with
a quiet mind.” It is through pardon and peace. It is through being
cleansed from our sins. Only then may we serve our Lord with a quiet
mind. And when we wonder, how exactly does this happen? How do I know
it’s real, because I don’t necessarily feel it, and I sometimes have
doubts about it. There is a way we end every Collect, and it’s almost
always the same: “through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives
and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.”
How? It is through Jesus Christ, God’s Son, our Lord. He lives and
reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.

This is the God who extends His invitation to you, here at this altar
often, and for eternity in heaven, “Come, for everything is ready.”

Pastor Paul L. Willweber
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church [LCMS]
6801 Easton Ct., San Diego, California 92120

It is the spirit and genius of Lutheranism to be liberal in everything
except where the marks of the Church are concerned.
[Henry Hamann, On Being a Christian]
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