Apologies to Elvis Costello and REM.

*And we request you, brothers, over the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ,
and our being led together upon Him, unto you, not quickly to be shaken
from the mind, nor to be scared, not through spirit nor through word nor
through a letter as through us, as that the Day of the Lord has stood. May
no one seduce you, not according to any way; because if ever the apostasy
not come first, and the man of lawlessness be revealed, the son of the
destruction, the one who lies against and lifts himself up over everyone
being called a god or object of reverence, and he into the temple of God to
sit, showing himself that he is God....And we are obligated to thank God
always concerning you, brothers, having been loved by the Lord, that God
selected you from the beginning unto salvation in holiness of spirit and in
true faith, into which He called you through our gospel, unto procuring of
our Lord's glory, of Jesus Christ. Really, then, brothers, you stand and
you hold fast the traditions which you were taught whether through word or
through our letter. But this our Lord Jesus Christ and God our Father, the
One having loved us and having given eternal comfort and good hope in
grace, may He comfort your hearts and may He fix firmly in every work and
good word.*

The end of the church year focuses on the last days of life on this earth.
We are waiting for the end of the world; "Dear God, we really hope You're
coming, cuz You sure have started something." Paul pulls no punches about
the challenges we face in these last days. They are times of tribulation
for the Christian church, so much so that Jesus Himself pondered if He'd
find faith on earth at his return.

This tribulation is worsened by the man of lawlessness. In other places
he's called "antichrist". This trouble-maker arises from inside the church
to destroy the gospel. He lifts himself up over all others, making himself
an object of reverence. He sits in God's temple, claiming that what he
speaks from his seat there are revelations of God himself. This man of
lawlessness is none other than the Pope.

>From him and other antichrists, the gospel you believe is condemned. If you
hold to what scripture teaches, that you are saved by grace through faith
as a gift of God, apart from works, you are anathematized, headed for hell
in their eyes. It can't be that simple, or that free. You must contribute
to your believing, or your receiving, or the very works by which eternal
life is merited, they say to you.

But don't believe these antichrists in these last days. Do not be shaken in
your mind, or disturbed by these false accusations. For Satan will seduce
you, especially through apostasies that take place within Christendom. But
just because someone claims to be a Christian doesn't make it true. If
their message differs from God's scriptures, avoid it, confront it, and
reveal it as the lie that it truly is.

Instead, remember that God has selected you from the beginning unto your
salvation. God didn't wait to see what you did or said or thought first,
and then decide you were worthy of saving. No, He wrote your name into the
book of life before the creation of this world. You were predestined by
God, elected to life eternal by His unanimous vote, more reliable than the
old Solid South. Father, Son & Spirit voted for your salvation, as you are
named by this same Triune God in your saving baptism!

Remember also that in this ever-darkening world, you are enlightened by God
to a holiness of spirit and a true faith. These are not a result of your
efforts, but from the workings of God Who called you to faith through His
holy gospel. Your faith came to you by hearing this gospel love of Jesus to
you from the +. You believed that Jesus loved you as your Savior, and that
His holiness is given to you as a free gift of God's grace. Your sins He
became, so that His righteousness be yours, via faith.

Be reminded also that God will hold you steadfast in the true faith in the
traditions handed down. For through these traditions, you actually procure
Christ's glory. For when you come up to the Lord's Table, it is the
glorious body of Jesus which you eat. The glory of His blood shed for you
is the forgiveness of your sins, purchased for you through Jesus' sacrifice
at Calvary. Jesus died for you, so that you now live in Him, for He is the
God of the living, and you live now eternally because of Jesus!

So the end of the world is on its way. But don't look for substitute
saviors here on this earth as you wait for the end. Instead, you await
Jesus, your only Savior, for Him to return in glory on the last day, to
judge the living and the dead. Yet you don't fret the judgment you will
receive. For you were chosen by God from the beginning, made holy in the
blood of Jesus, and have procured His Own lasting glory as your own. So you
may say, "It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine!" Amen.

John C. Drosendahl, Pastor

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