Scripture and Devotion for the Friday after Populus Sion:
December 13, 2013

Scripture: Isaiah 29:15—30:14 (NKJV)

29:15 Woe to those who seek deep to hide their counsel far from the LORD,
and their works are in the dark; They say, "Who sees us?" and, "Who knows
us?" 16 Surely you have things turned around! Shall the potter be esteemed
as the clay; For shall the thing made say of him who made it, "He did not
make me"? Or shall the thing formed say of him who formed it, "He has no
understanding"? 17 Is it not yet a very little while till Lebanon shall be
turned into a fruitful field, and the fruitful field be esteemed as a
forest? 18 In that day the deaf shall hear the words of the book, and the
eyes of the blind shall see out of obscurity and out of darkness. 19 The
humble also shall increase their joy in the LORD, and the poor among men
shall rejoice in the Holy One of Israel. 20 For the terrible one is brought
to nothing, the scornful one is consumed, and all who watch for iniquity
are cut of—21 who make a man an offender by a word, and lay a snare for him
who reproves in the gate, and turn aside the just by empty words.

22 Therefore thus says the LORD, who redeemed Abraham, concerning the house
of Jacob: "Jacob shall not now be ashamed, nor shall his face now grow
pale; 23 But when he sees his children, the work of My hands, in his midst,
they will hallow My name, and hallow the Holy One of Jacob, and fear the
God of Israel. 24 These also who erred in spirit will come to
understanding, and those who complained will learn doctrine."

30:1 "Woe to the rebellious children," says the LORD, "Who take counsel,
but not of Me, and who devise plans, but not of My Spirit, that they may
add sin to sin; 2 Who walk to go down to Egypt, and have not asked My
advice, to strengthen themselves in the strength of Pharaoh, and to trust
in the shadow of Egypt! 3 Therefore the strength of Pharaoh shall be your
shame, and trust in the shadow of Egypt shall be your humiliation. 4 For
his princes were at Zoan, and his ambassadors came to Hanes. 5 They were
all ashamed of a people who could not benefit them, or be help or benefit,
but a shame and also a reproach." 6 The burden against the beasts of the
South. Through a land of trouble and anguish, from which came the lioness
and lion, the viper and fiery flying serpent, they will carry their riches
on the backs of young donkeys, and their treasures on the humps of camels,
to a people who shall not profit; 7 For the Egyptians shall help in vain
and to no purpose. Therefore I have called her Rahab-Hem-Shebeth.

8 Now go, write it before them on a tablet, and note it on a scroll, that
it may be for time to come, forever and ever: 9 That this is a rebellious
people, lying children, children who will not hear the law of the LORD; 10
Who say to the seers, "Do not see," and to the prophets, "Do not prophesy
to us right things; Speak to us smooth things, prophesy deceits. 11 Get out
of the way, turn aside from the path, cause the Holy One of Israel to cease
from before us."

12 Therefore thus says the Holy One of Israel: "Because you despise this
word, and trust in oppression and perversity, and rely on them, 13
Therefore this iniquity shall be to you like a breach ready to fall, a
bulge in a high wall, whose breaking comes suddenly, in an instant. 14 And
He shall break it like the breaking of the potter's vessel, which is broken
in pieces; He shall not spare. So there shall not be found among its
fragments a shard to take fire from the hearth, or to take water from the


Throughout the Book of Isaiah the prophet is trying to call God's people to
repentance and return to the Lord. However, the people have their own plans
and decided rather than turning in repentance to the Lord they would seek
help from the nation of Egypt. They trusted in man and their own wisdom
rather than God. This problem has been around since Adam and Eve had their
own plan in the Garden and ate the forbidden fruit.

In fact, in Romans 3 St. Paul writes, "There is none righteous, no, not
one; There is none who understands; There is none who seeks after God."
This is a terrifying statement. Sinful man always chooses to trust his own
wisdom instead of God and His Word. St. Paul says there are no people who
have their own righteousness. No one can save themselves.

We still have, however, a merciful God. When sin came into the world, so
did God's promises. When the Israelites sin, God's promises come. When Paul
declares all people to be sinners, God's promises come. Therefore, St. Paul
concludes in Ephesians 2:5ff, "Even when we were dead in trespasses, (He)
made us alive together with Christ…For by grace you have been saved through
faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works,
lest anyone should boast. For we are His work of art, created in Christ
Jesus for good works, which He prepared beforehand that we should walk in

Thanks be to God that He loves us enough to send His Son to save us from
our own sinful plans.
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