"The Name Given"
The Circumcision and Name of Jesus [Observed]
New Year’s Eve
December 31, 2013
Luke 2:21

The Gospel reading for the Circumcision and Name of Jesus is brief.
But there’s a lot more in there than just some info that oh by the way
Jesus was circumcised. There’s more than enough to unpack in that
alone for the first month or two of the coming year.

But for this brief time we have left in this year, let’s focus on one
little fact: when he was circumcised, he was called Jesus, the name
given by the angel before he was conceived in the womb. He was called
Jesus. This was the name given by the angel to Mary. When you are born
you are given a name. This happened to Jesus. He was given a name.

I wonder what name Joseph and Mary would have chosen for their
firstborn child. There’s no way to know. Their plans for starting a
family sure took a different turn from the way they had thought they
would. But what happened instead was far beyond what they could ever
have imagined! They had a son, but a son that was announced
beforehand. A son that was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of
the Virgin Mary. A son that was named beforehand.

The name was given by God because the name was the very essence of God
Himself. And this Son was the very God Himself. God of God, light of
light, very God of very God. He was begotten, not made, being of one
substance with the Father, by whom all things were made. This was not
just any son, this was God coming to save His people.

Luke tells us that the name given to Jesus was given by the angel.
This name was given by God Himself, from the mouth of the angel. Luke
doesn’t tell us anymore than that at this point. In the second book he
would write, the book of Acts, Luke tells us something about this name
given to Jesus in the words of the apostle Peter: “And there is
salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven
given among men by which we must be saved.” [Acts 4:12] It’s not just
that Jesus was given a name, everyone is given a name. Jesus’ name is
the name by which we are saved. One of the names for God in the Old
Testament is Yahweh. The name Jesus means “Yahweh saves.” No wonder
the angel said that you are to call His name Jesus. No wonder this was
the name given to Him.

When Jesus was circumcised and given His name His parents were setting
Him on His path of saving people from their sins. Names have meanings.
The name of Jesus means salvation. This is another way of saying that
Jesus is salvation. Salvation is not an idea. There is a name to
salvation and it is Jesus. Jesus doesn’t show us salvation or point us
to it or guide us in it or lead us to it. He just saves us.

When parents give their baby a name, the baby is named after the
grandmother, or a special friend, or the name has a certain special
meaning, or perhaps they just really like the name. Mary and Joseph
didn’t realize the full import of giving their baby the name they gave
Him. They were faithful in carrying out the directive of the angel
Gabriel, you shall call Him Jesus.

In living on this earth Jesus was carrying out the import of that
name. He lived under the Law as we do and fulfilled God’s Law in its
entirety. This was Jesus accomplishing salvation for us. It was
especially in His suffering and death that Jesus fulfilled the giving
of the name to Him. It was in suffering and death that Jesus
accomplished salvation because Satan, the liar and deceiver that he
is, had his claim on us. At the cross God reclaimed us in the name of
His Son, Jesus.

The name given to Jesus shows us who He is. It shows us our salvation.
It shows us that in His life, His suffering, and His death, Yahweh
saves us. It shows us how, in His only Son.

It also shows us the importance of the name. It is in this name Jesus
that we know who God is. The person of Jesus is how God has revealed
Himself to the world. Jesus was God’s only Son being forsaken by the
Father on the cross. This was so that you and I could be reclaimed by
God the Father has His sons and daughters.

Because of this the name of Jesus has particular significance for you.
You are given a name. God gives you His name. It was at your Baptism.
This is the name you go with into the new year. It is the name that
was placed upon you and that you carry with each day even to eternity.
When you were Baptized, God placed His name on you, Father, Son, and
Holy Spirit. You were given a name at your birth and a name at your
rebirth. Your parents named you when you were born and God named you
when you were born anew.

The name of the Triune God is the name given to us by Jesus. He said
to make disciples of all nations, Baptizing them in the name of the
Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. When you are Baptized in
this name you are Baptized into Christ. The second reading this
evening says it this way: “For as many of you as were baptized into
Christ have put on Christ.” The name given you in Baptism is salvation
being given to you. It is Jesus being given to you. Christ is your new
identity now.

Your name is important to you. And it should be. Your parents gave it
to you and it’s how you are known. Because of Jesus, there is also a
name given you that is important for you forever. It’s how you are
known by God. He gives you His name. In the name of Jesus is
salvation, and this is exactly what He gives you. Amen.


Pastor Paul L. Willweber
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church [LCMS]
6801 Easton Ct., San Diego, California 92120

It is the spirit and genius of Lutheranism to be liberal in everything
except where the marks of the Church are concerned.
[Henry Hamann, On Being a Christian]
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