"There Is Only One"
Third Sunday of Easter
Misericordias Domini
Commemoration of Friedrich Wyneken, Pastor and Missionary
May 4, 2014
John 10:11–16

There is only one who has laid down His life for the sin of the world.
Only one who has risen from the grave no longer to succumb to it. All
through the ages there was one God pointed His people to who would be
the Savior. There was only one born of a woman who was born not of man
but of God. He is the only one whose entire life on earth was set on
death, but a death for the life of the world. He is the only one who
has taken death and put it to death in His resurrection.

There is only one and He is the Good Shepherd. Jesus is the Good
Shepherd and He is for you. He is the Good Shepherd because He is the
Shepherd who has laid down His life for you. There is only one who has
laid down His life for the sin of the world, and that means there is
only one who has taken on Himself all of your sins. He is the Good
Shepherd, and even more, He is your Good Shepherd.

God loves everyone. Jesus died for everyone. That’s the Good News. But
on Judgment Day God is not going to ask you about some person who
lives in Nairobi. He won’t ask your opinion about a shoemaker who
lived in the thirteenth century. You love your family but He’s not
going to address their status as you stand before Him.

There is only one who will be at the center of attention and it is
you. There is only one who will be accountable for you as you stand
before God and it is you. Others can’t advocate for you. Your family
members who love you won’t be able to appeal to God as to how much
they love you and desire your salvation. There is only one and it is

Jesus is your Good Shepherd. He died for you. He rose for you. On
Judgment Day He will be your advocate. The one Lord, the one faith,
the one Baptism, is the one Lord, one faith, one Baptism, for you. No
one can be Baptized for you. No one can offer extra faith to help you
along. No one can step into the shoes of Jesus and be your Savior.
Jesus alone is your Savior. Your faith is in Him alone. Your Baptism
alone is your new birth.

God loves the creation He has made. God loves the people He formed in
His image. That means He loves you and cares for you. But this isn’t
just a “you and God” thing. It’s not just that God loves you and has
an individual relationship with you. His children He created He
restores to His eternal family. In sin we are children of wrath. He
saves each person individually so that we may live together in

Jesus says, “I have other sheep that are not of this fold. I must
bring them also, and they will listen to My voice. So there will be
one flock, one shepherd.” That Jesus died for the sins of the world
means that He died for every single person out there. Every person is
blood-bought in God’s sight. He desires that everyone be saved. So
Jesus says that He will bring His other sheep also and there will be
one flock, one shepherd.

There are seven billion people on the planet. The population is
increasing faster than one person per second. There are a lot of
people out there. But the thing that can really get to you is that
there are a lot of people out there who do not know Jesus as their
Lord. He is the Good Shepherd, but they don’t believe He is their Good

There is only flock, one Shepherd. We know who He is. We believe He is
the Savior, the Good Shepherd, the one who has laid down His life for
His sheep. How will they know? How will we be able to share this Good
News with so many people? It’s a daunting task. If you think about how
many people die who reject Jesus as Lord it can be discouraging.

Here is good news for you. You don’t need to think in those terms.
Jesus doesn’t. He simply says, “I am the good shepherd. I know My own
and My own know Me, just as the Father knows Me and I know the Father;
and I lay down My life for the sheep.” He simply tells us, “And I have
other sheep that are not of this fold. I must bring them also, and
they will listen to My voice. So there will be one flock, one
shepherd.” You and I cannot have faith for anyone else. You and I will
not stand as advocate for anyone else on Judgment Day.

What you and I do is be the sheep that God has called us to be. Our
Good Shepherd knows us and we know Him. We know His voice and we hear
His voice. His voice goes out to the world through us as we speak to
others of the Good Shepherd who has laid down His life for the sin of
the world. Of the Great Shepherd of the sheep who rose from the dead
so that death no longer has the final say.

There are billions of people on the planet and you are only one
person. Millions upon millions of people are groping their way through
life or simply content without Jesus. We are only one congregation.
How many religions have sprung up in the history of the world, and
although Christianity certainly is one of the major religions, it is
weak in the eyes of the world. How is it that we can have any hope of
what Jesus says of there being one flock and one Shepherd? The hope is
in Him. It is not in you or me. It is not in bringing to people a
Christianity that conforms to their notions of religion. It is not in
altering the teachings of the Bible to fit their needs.

It is in realizing that as you go through life there is only person
you need to be concerned about. You certainly can and should pray for
all those people in the world who are lost eternally. But God has not
given you the job of saving them. He has given His Son to do that and
He has already done it. He has given you the job of making this known
to others. It’s simply impossible for you as an individual to do this
to the millions and millions of people in the world. As a congregation
we are unable to meet the spiritual needs of all the people of the
world, let alone the city of San Diego or even our community of Allied

No, the answer is in the one God has called you to serve. There is
only person you need to be concerned about and it is the one God
places in your life at any given moment. Your spouse is that one. Your
father, your mother. Your son, your daughter. Your brother, your
sister. Your next-door neighbor. Your co-worker, your doctor, your
teacher, your friend. All of these people aren’t part of the masses
but are individual people whose sins have been paid for by the Good
Shepherd who has laid down His life for them. And God has placed each
of them in your life.

They may know this and believe this, and we rejoice if they do. We
continue to encourage them in the faith and pray for them and help
them in their needs, serving them as individuals not just as one among
the masses.

They may not know who Jesus is. They may know but not believe. You
can’t share the Gospel with nameless masses of people but you can tell
a specific person in your life who Jesus is and what He has done for

There is only one. He is the Good Shepherd. He has laid down His life
for the sin of the world. He has risen from the grave. All this He has
done for all those people out there, each one. All this He has done
for you. He is the Good Shepherd, He is your Shepherd. Amen.


Pastor Paul L. Willweber
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church [LCMS]
6801 Easton Ct., San Diego, California 92120

It is the spirit and genius of Lutheranism to be liberal in everything
except where the marks of the Church are concerned.
[Henry Hamann, On Being a Christian]
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