We’ve inherited a strange way of reading the Bible.  When someone reads 
Scripture, he often thinks each passage is a direct line, straight from God, 
telling him what to do.  Such a notion, however, isn’t true.  Read the Bible 
and you will find out otherwise.  

Here’s an example.  Paul writes, “Wives, submit to your husbands as you do to 
the Lord” (Ephesians 5:22).  Who is Paul addressing, husbands?  Are they to 
force their wives to submit?  (Not if they want to live!)  Even more, if you 
think so, you are a poor reader of Scripture.

To whom does Paul direct the passage?  He begins, “Wives...” Paul is speaking 
to wives, not husbands.  The wife is to figure out how to submit, how to place 
herself to receive from her husband.  That’s her job, not his.  But her role 
does not extend to forcing her husband to love her as Christ loves the Church 
(Ephesians 5:25).  That’s his job.  Do you now see the importance, of knowing 
whom Scripture addresses?

Main Body
So, what about today’s Gospel reading?  We listened to Jesus speak: “I still 
have much more to say to you”?  Who are the “you”?  They are Jesus’ disciples, 
not long before He goes to the cross.  So, even before His death, Jesus is 
preparing His Apostles-to-be for Pentecost Day, “when the Spirit of truth 
[will] come.”

The “you” isn’t you.  Jesus isn’t preparing you for Pentecost Day.  Pentecost 
Day is a completed event.  God now gives us His Holy Spirit in baptism.  
“Unless one is born of water and Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God” 
(John 3:5).  After the Spirit had descended on Peter, on Pentecost, he 
preached: “Repent and be baptized… and you will receive the gift of the Holy 
Spirit” (Acts 2:38).

So, Jesus is speaking to His disciples, hours before He will die.  He’s 
preparing them for Pentecost, when He will send them the Holy Spirit.  Here’s 
the question: Why do they need the Holy Spirit?  Jesus tells them.  “[The Holy 
Spirit] will guide you into all the truth….  He will take what is mine and 
declare it to you” (John 16:13-14).

Jesus will soon make His disciples into Apostles, sending them to be the 
foundation of His Church.  Ephesians 2:20: The Apostles are the foundation of 
Christ’s Church with Jesus as the cornerstone.  For them to become the 
foundation, they need “the truth,” which the Holy Spirit will give to them.

The Father is the source of this truth.  The Son receives from the Father, who 
then gives to the Spirit.  The Spirit, in turn, gives to the Apostles.  Are you 
beginning to sense a pattern here?  What are the Apostles supposed to do with 
what they receive?  Hoard it?  No, they pass it on, as the foundation of the 
Church, to the Gentiles and the next generation.

Some of this passing on of the faith is to write down this truth.  Their words 
and teaching will become the New Testament.  What they write down will be 
reliable, for those words are a product of the Holy Spirit.  Earlier, Jesus 
told them (not you or me), “The Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my 
name, will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I told you” 
(John 14:26).  

So, what the Apostles receive from God the Father, through His Son, through His 
Spirit, the Church receives through the Apostles.  Some of this later becomes 
Scripture; some remained the spoken Word.  How do we know?  Scripture tells us. 
 2 Thessalonians 2:15, written to a congregation, reads: “stand firm and hold 
to the traditions we [the Apostle Paul and Pastors Timothy and Silas] passed on 
to you, whether by word of mouth or by letter.”

What the Apostles received, they taught and preached, as God gave them to do.  
They are the foundation of the Church.  But what will happen after they die?  
Implied in being a foundation is others receiving their mantle and carrying it 
forward.  We see this also taking place in Scripture. 

In 1 Timothy and Titus, New-Testament books written to pastors, we find what 
those first-generation pastors are supposed to do.  Paul gives them the 
qualifications for a man to be a pastor (1 Tim 3:1-7, Titus 1:6-9).  Why would 
he give the standards for someone to serve as a pastor to pastors, and not the 

Paul is commanding those pastors, not the congregation, to select qualified men 
to serve as pastors (1 Tim 5:22, Titus 1:5).  That is how the Holy Spirit 
worked to ensure the deposit of the truth passed from one generation to the 

We find those words of Scripture to be strange to our ears, for they don’t 
reflect our practice.  True, but aren’t you here to receive the truth?  You 
should be.  Doesn’t God call me to preach the truth, revealed in Scripture?  
Yes!  Even more, what we may want may not match up with what Jesus wants for 

Jesus told His Apostles-to-be: “[The Holy Spirit] will guide you into all the 
truth….  He will take what is mine and declare it to you” (John 16:13-14).  The 
truth, which the Apostles received, which the Holy Spirit handed to them from 
God the Father through Jesus, you are to receive.  You come to church for “the 
truth” of Jesus, or should come, which I am supposed to preach and teach.  

Again, why does this even matter?  Did you catch the words “all the truth”?  
Jesus considers the truth He passes on to the Holy Spirit as something intact, 
a package, not to be compromised or corrupted: THE truth.  “THE truth” must 
matter in some way, even if we don’t understand how.  Jesus allows no Gospel 
reductionism: as long as they believe in Jesus...  Jesus doesn’t want us to 
live the faith in such a way.

What does Jesus say?  What did He command of His Apostles, where He also 
commanded baptism?  He told them “to teach them all I have commanded you” 
(Matthew 28:20).  Not some, but all—the “all” is what you are to receive.  You 
should expect, even demand, as much.  The “all” of Jesus is to have its way 
with you, changing you, inside and out.  Jesus gives no one authority to change 
His “all.” 

The Apostle Paul commanded Pastor Timothy: “What you heard from me, keep as the 
pattern of sound words, in the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.  Guard, 
through the Holy Spirit, who lives in us, the good deposit entrusted to you” (2 
Timothy 1:13-14).  In the Holy Spirit, Paul commanded Timothy to guard the 
deposit of the faith, which Paul passed on to him.  Earlier, Paul commanded 
Pastor Timothy to “guard what [God has] entrusted to you” (1 Timothy 6:20). 

What Paul commands is important, for the deposit of the faith delivers Jesus.  
Jesus gave the deposit to the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit, in turn, gave it 
to the Apostles.  The Apostles entrusted it to the first pastors of the Church. 
 Those pastors, in turn, selected qualified men, whom they appointed to preach 
and teach the deposit of the faith.  Jesus set up His Church that way through 
the Spirit He sent them.

Today, when you come to Church, you are to receive the deposit of the faith.  
For in that, the Holy Spirit is at work, pointing you to Jesus (John 16:14).  
Jude, a pastor of the Church, wrote these words to a congregation: “contend for 
the faith that was delivered to the saints, once, for all” (Jude 1:3).  
Contend, demand, expect; such strong words, but for good reason.  Why?  The 
deposit of the faith is the reason.

What is the deposit of the faith?  What does Jude write?  “The faith… delivered 
to the saints, once, for all.”  The Holy Spirit gave the Apostles the deposit 
of the faith, once, for all, for everyone.  Contend and accept nothing less 
than what the Spirit passed on to the Apostles from Jesus.

We hold Scripture in high regard.  We even use an expression, “Scripture 
alone.”  Then sin comes along, and we even disown our Lutheran saying about 
Scripture.  For when we find something in the Bible that we’re not used to or 
don’t like, we figure out a way to explain it away, making ourselves the judge 
over God’s Word.

Scripture calls that idolatry.  To combat such a self-created understanding of 
Jesus and the faith, Jesus created His Church.  He set up His Church to be the 
place where you receive “THE truth,” which may or may not match up with what 
you are used to or even want.  Against such a backdrop, Scripture calls “the 
Church of the living God [as] the pillar and foundation of the truth” (1 
Timothy 3:15).

Listen to those words of Scripture again.  “The Church of the living God [is] 
the pillar and foundation of the truth.”  You can read it in 1 Timothy 3:15.  
How ironic for Scripture to call the Church, not Scripture, “the pillar and 
foundation of the truth.” 

Scripture calls the Apostles the foundation of the Church.  Scripture also 
calls the Church the pillar and foundation of the truth.  What’s the 
connection?  The Apostles and what Jesus gave to them through the Holy Spirit.  
Where Apostolic doctrine enters your ears, there you receive Jesus for life and 

Our Lutheran Confessions answer the question of where you can find the Church.  
“The Church is the congregation of saints in which the Gospel is preached in 
its purity, and the Sacraments are correctly administered” (AC VII 1).  The 
Gospel taught in its purity is the Apostolic doctrine.  Apostolic doctrine will 
lead to the correct understanding and practice of the Lord’s Supper.

All this matters because you receive Jesus where the Church is still the pillar 
and foundation of the truth.  And where you receive Jesus with His forgiveness 
of sins, you receive life and salvation, ever anew, once more.  What’s more 
important than that?

Receiving the real Jesus, you receive real forgiveness and salvation.  Jesus 
founded His Church to guard the deposit of the faith for you into eternity.  In 
Christ, all is yours. So, come to receive Him still.  In Him, all eternity is 
yours.  Amen.
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