+1 to everyone else's plans.
But.. Noel, what do you have in mind vis-a-vis Avalon? Are we to consider
releasing James with Merlin instead of Phoenix for instance..?

My own plan.. and in this order..

a) Revisit the Mailet API experimental changes, particularly those which
haven't found favour.
2) Add JNDI support for service and parameter lookups to the Mailet API
wordy spec (and draft it as it doesn't exist!) and implement same in James
(Hopefully using naming from http://incubator.apache.org/directory/)
-- the above two items aiming at finally providing full portability to
mailets in a way acceptable in the light of (constructive) criticism raised
earlier., Test cases are the James Transport mailets some of which still
depend upon access to vendor specific service lookups. Or in other words

iii) Add support for archived application auto deployment, probably on the
basis of deploying "Processors" . Tighten classloader separation and add
JNDI local contexts for secure separation of processors.
$) Add flexible virtual hosting. Offering a choice at config time of either
IP based using bound IP's or name based using rich account names.

Of course I'll have to get off my a**e and sort out my net acess at home
1st! :-)

Then if I do all that, and my wife hasn't left me, I'd like to write a
mailet container which can be embedded in other apps, for instance in a
MessageDrivenBean or a test harness.

Comments and help would be welcomed for any of the above.


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