Okay. I don't think its very important but could be to others. Since JAMES is the server and it will be perceptually JAMES's mailets and not just Apache Mailets it might kind of inhibit adoption. I don't really care enough to be personally inhibited, just pointing out that it is an inhibition.


Noel J. Bergman wrote:
1. refector the project

Already anticipated, which is why the path is server/.  We just wanted to
wait until we had a reason to push mailet/ to a separate subproject.

    a. email.apache.org/james
    b. email.apache.org/mailet (associated lists)

Would be james.apache.org/server and james.apache.org/mailet, with new lists
for the latter.

Rest of your e-mail resonates with prior discussions.

        --- Noel

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