Serge Knystautas wrote:
> I would be interested, though we're also intending to
> change the Mailet API.  It's very servlet API-esque, which
> is rather passe.

Being passé is no reason of itself to "change the Mailet API". I'm sure I'm
being paranoid, but you don't mean drop the current Mailet API do you?

We could come up with a new Mailet API and deprecate the current one, or
enhance the current one in a backwards compatible manner (which would most
likely be no less passé). It would be a dereliction of duty to simply
"change the Mailet API" to something new and funky leaving current Mailets

If we do want a new Mailet API, as long as the parameters passed to a POJO
DI class include those required by the current Mailet API, it would be
simple enough to maintain backwards compatibility via an adapter in a POJO
DI world.

-- Steve

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