Stefano Bagnara wrote:
> Noel J. Bergman ha scritto:
> > Norman Maurer wrote:
>>> I finally found the time todo the releases for mime4j
>> Does it build with Ant?
> No, mime4j has always been a maven project. I moved it from maven1 to
> maven2 more than 1 year ago when revamping our website.

Well, then I can't vote for it in its current form, because I don't install

>>> and james-project.
>> Why is this something that needs to be and should be released?
> It is the "abstract project" from which every of our m2 projects
> inherits. It contains common infrastructure for JAMES projects.

But why does it need to be released?  What is the point of releasing it?  If
it is for building, then they can check it out of SVN.  We are releasing jar
files and a source snapshot.

> Currently Mime4j and jSPF builds depend on james-project but also every
> other of our product depends on it for the website part.

That's for doing a build.  I don't see this james-project thing as an actual
release component.

        --- Noel

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