[X] +1 Grrrrreat!


robert burrell donkin wrote:
the code in trunk has a ton of new features

i think that the upcoming spring integration might be a good excuse to
cut a milestone from trunk and christen it 3.0 milestone 1. yes,
there's work to be done (on the build, auditing the licenses, making
sure that everyone's happen with policy for milestones, cutting
releases for component sub-projects) but this is only a poll to see
whether people think it would be a good idea or not.

the milestone would be an official release but just a technology
preview with no guarantees about compatibility with the actual 3
series releases (whenever they happen).

- robert

[ ] +1 Grrrrreat!
[ ] +0 Yeh, whatever
[ ] -0 Whatever
[ ] -1 Do I Look bovverd?

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