Danny Angus wrote:

> I agree, but the message body should be a serialised Mail and not a
> Message to keep things simple.

I don't know that the message needs to be a serialized Mail as opposed to some 
other text format, to make things easier (a goal of Robert's) -- the key is 
that we need the envelope information.  As a concrete example, without an 
envelope, you cannot perform a blindcopy.

And, to be clear, the use of JMES should be limited to injecting mail into 
JAMES, or posting via a Mailet to an external queue, but not used as (quoting 
Tim Stephenson): "a means to inject Mail into James' processors."  The 
processors are managed by the spooler, and JMS doesn't support the dynamic 
selection we need, internally, for the spooler.

        --- Noel

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