Hi manolo

*The Hupa-evo repo has been updated just now:*
1. Except contacts part and INBOX like part, which will be considered next,
almost all of the activities and places have been completed and can be used
by EXCPERT user because of more flaws.
2. The [MessageSendActivity]s share the MessageSendPlace("send" for URL),
distinguished by their Type token. e.g.,
http://hupa.demo/#send:NEWrepresents the place after that user
clicking the New button, while
http://hupa.demo/#send:FORWARD does forwarding mail.
3. Now the Hupa evo can only be tested through separate parts. For example,

   - (1) Login
   - (2) Left side, that is WestActivity, can display after Log into Hupa
   evo by any correct GMAIL account. You can click any link button at left
   side, and they will work well.
   - (3) Only the INBOX messages list can display on the Main Display
   Region.(other folders will be treated later with the same method like
   INBOX). And you must click *Refresh* or pagination link(*Previous*, *Next
   *, etc.) after clicking to select the INBOX folder.
   - (4) In the messages list page, I have not tested functions by the mark
   and search button. Click any mail can lead to the Single Message Detail
   page and it can be replied and forwarded.

*Currently, the main problems:*
1. Test with the GMAIL instance is a little time-consuming, but I can not
use the DEMO MODE.
2. The concurrent problems occur almost every time.
3. The problem in above 3(3), I don't know why they will display after
click the refresh or pagination link.
4. The left side(WestActivity) will reload every time you change to another
place, but they need not change except their color. I try to use the
CachingActivityMapper and FilteredActivityMapper to cope with, but not very

On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 7:18 PM, Manuel Carrasco Moñino <man...@apache.org>wrote:

> Ok Echo, so now that your connection problems have been fixed and until the
> mid-term day, please report every day and commit your code every daty as
> well (although it was broken),
> - Manolo

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