I'm integrating an application (which uses Sendmail as MTA, and hybrid
java/python mailing list manager) with apache jdkim.

Other existing oss libraries (which I'd previously based the app on) seem
to work fine for plain text, but multipart/alternative results in DKIM
result: fail (wrong body hash)

I see there are no junit tests for content type multipart DKIM only for
it's predecessor DK.

In org.apache.james.jdkim.impl.Message on line 79

((SingleBody) message.getBody()).getInputStream();

However RFC 4871, say that no special processing is required for multipart,
so this cast might be valid.

I'm debugging and would like to affirm the premiss that pache-jdkim-0.2 for
multipart/* content types is indeed considered functional?
when run on a multipart produces the exception (I added a try/catch -

java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.james.mime4j.message.MultipartImpl
cannot be cast to org.apache.james.mime4j.dom.SingleBody
at org.apache.james.jdkim.impl.Message.getBodyInputStream(Message.java:80)
at org.apache.james.jdkim.DKIMSigner.sign(DKIMSigner.java:85)

I spoke to someone on the mailing list he seems to believe it does work,
hash a bug been fixed in a post-release build, or has this uncaught
exception been slipping through the net?


- Justin

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