
i am trying to switch to James3 in Eclipse, and there are errors reported by 
eclipse inside the JPA mailbox project.

"The Java class for mapped type "MailboxMessage" must define a non-private 
zero-argument constructor"
"The Java class for mapped type 
must define a non-private zero-argument constructor"

The JPA JSR states:
The entity class must have a no-arg constructor. The entity class may have 
other constructors as well. The no-arg constructor must be public or protected.
JSR -338 Final, Release 2.1, Page 23.
So the JPA standard is very strict on this.

This no-arg constructor may not be used directly by your implementation, but 
may be used by e.g. copying objects between remote processes, as I understand.
This may not be true for "openjpa", I don't know.

See also: 

Is the maintainer of the project able to define "no-arg" constructors?

Project: apache-james-mailbox-jpa
Package: org.apache.james.mailbox.jpa.mail.model.openjpa


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