Ok... I'm jumping in headfirst....:-)  This is a simple one for my first time....

Problem a: Logging enter/exit of the service(..) method of mailets is huge for serviceability.  However, the current code in MailetPipelineLogging.java simply says we entered mailet xyz and exited mailet xyz.   for me, 99% of the time when I care about whether I entered a particular mailet, it's because I have a problem/question about the flow of a particular mail item.  I'm trying determine if 'this' email item entered mailet xyz.  But if 1000 other mailets DID enter mailet xyz in the last hour, the current logging is not going to be helpful in that situation.

Problem b: The latest Log4j.properties has no entries covering org.apache.mailet which is the package prefix for MailetPipelineLogging.   So currently, no log output from that class will appear in any of the logs.

Proposed solution to a: Add "mail.getName()" to the log strings in logBeginOfMailetProcess(..) and logEnddOfMailetProcess(..) so that the log will now say "Entering mailet: xyz (<mailId>). With this information now in the log, it will be very easy to grep a log file for the mailId and see the entire trace through the mailet container.

Proposed solution to b: Add log4j.logger.org.apache.mailet.base=DEBUG, MAILETCONTAINER  (or default to INFO if preferred).  Also possibly add log4j.logger.org.apache.james=DEBUG, CONS, FILE to pick up the mailet trace in the main james log and the console.  I have no real preferences for the specifics for log4j.properties.  However, I think the package entry needs to be in there.  When I have a problem I simply do a change-all to DEBUG to see what info I get. A user would never know this mailet trace was available even with everything set to DEBUG unless this package is defined somewhere in there.

I've made these changes locally, and everything seems to be working.  Upon your recommendation I'll try to figure out 'pull' requests and open one.


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