I bet you can overwrite Spring XML bindings and define your own.

I have no idea how to do that, and it seems dangerous.



On 05/11/2019 22:03, Jerry Malcolm wrote:
> No problem.  Is there a quick-fix / hack that perhaps I can hardcode to
> bypass insertion until the actual fix is available?
> Just speculating here... we've got an option (lazyIndex) that rebuilds
> the index every time whether it is necessary or not.  And we have an
> option (luceneIndex) that won't build a full index automatically even
> when no index exists for the folder.  Seems to me a much better option
> would be a 'build it once if it doesn't exist' option.  That would be
> one less thing for an overwhelmed administrator (me) to remember to do
> when migrating James.  Ideas?
> Jerry
> On 11/5/2019 1:04 AM, Tellier Benoit wrote:
>> My bad, there seems to be Spring injection issues:
>> mailbox-tools.xml defines:
>>      <bean id ="fake-reindexer"
>> class="org.apache.mailbox.tools.indexer.ThrowsReIndexer"
>> lazy-init="true"/>
>> As the indexer is configurable, we are not able to inject the
>> ListeningMessageSearchIndex for doing that.
>> We may need aditional logic upon the indexer choice for providing the
>> correct reIndexer binding:
>>   - keep the throwing one when lucene is not selected
>>   - Use ReIndexerImpl with luceneSearchIndex injected in it when lucene
>> is configured.
>> I will write the issue, contributions are welcomed here!
>> See https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/JAMES-2965
>> Benoit
>> On 05/11/2019 13:14, Jerry Malcolm wrote:
>>> I had already changed back to luceneIndex from lazyIndex and rebooted.
>>> I also removed the lazyIndex's version of the lucene folder.  But I'm
>>> still getting the same exception.
>>> On 11/5/2019 12:07 AM, Tellier Benoit wrote:
>>>> ReIndexing is not implemented on top of lazyIndex.
>>>> You need to configure lucene in index.xml (meaning for you, downtime in
>>>> search)
>>>> On 05/11/2019 12:44, Jerry Malcolm wrote:
>>>>> Benoit,
>>>>> This all makes sense.  I tried the CLI to ReindexAll and got an
>>>>> exception.  I figured I was just doing something wrong on the CLI with
>>>>> JMX, etc.  But every other command I tried worked fine.  Just the
>>>>> ReindexAll and ReindexMailbox failed.   (BTW.... the web page shows
>>>>> the
>>>>> command: |{cli} Reindex #private u...@domain.tld INBOX  but the actual
>>>>> command is ReindexMailbox for a specific mailbox.)|
>>>>> |Before I start digging into what is happening, does this exception
>>>>> tell
>>>>> you anything? Do I need to configure something in the james-cli.sh
>>>>> file
>>>>> telling it that I'm using JPA instead of file-based mailboxes or
>>>>> anything like that?
>>>>> |
>>>>> |Exception:
>>>>> |
>>>>> [root@ip-172-31-32-236 james-3.4.0]# ./bin/james-cli.sh ReindexAll
>>>>> ERROR 23:22:54,105 | org.apache.james.cli.ServerCmd | Error while
>>>>> playing command
>>>>> org.apache.james.mailbox.exception.MailboxException: Not implemented
>>>>>           at
>>>>> org.apache.mailbox.tools.indexer.ThrowsReIndexer.reIndex(ThrowsReIndexer.java:43)
>>>>>           at
>>>>> org.apache.james.adapter.mailbox.ReIndexerManagement.reIndex(ReIndexerManagement.java:67)
>>>>>           at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native
>>>>> Method)
>>>>>           at
>>>>> sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)
>>>>>           at
>>>>> sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
>>>>>           at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498)
>>>>> On 11/4/2019 8:48 PM, Tellier Benoit wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Jerry,
>>>>>> Thanks for the updated details, it now makes perfect sens!
>>>>>> Long story short: Your Lucene index needs to be migrated as well. I
>>>>>> suspect you migrated only your database (full copy), hence issues.
>>>>>> To do migration, at Linagora, we prefer using external protocols, and
>>>>>> leaving the inner data structures untouched (it's just too easy to
>>>>>> make
>>>>>> mistakes...).
>>>>>> What happens is that then you had the data in SQL database but
>>>>>> none in
>>>>>> the Lucene index, hence the unaccurate search results harming the IOS
>>>>>> experience.
>>>>>>    From that point:
>>>>>>     - You can fix that from re-indexing data from the SQL database
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> rebuild the Lucene index from it. There's webadmin(guice only) [1]
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> CLI [2] support for that (though the CLI experience, the only
>>>>>> available
>>>>>> option for Spring is more primitive.
>>>>>> lazyIndex means full scan on every search request. Expect the AWS
>>>>>> bill
>>>>>> to be expansive. Expect your clients to complain about latencies. I
>>>>>> would be you, I'd rebuild the Lucene index at the first occasion.
>>>>>> Now, I also believe cascading user flags issues might be caused by
>>>>>> some
>>>>>> unappropriate table structure, there was some bugs reported regarding
>>>>>> this. I'm unable to retrieve corresponding information.
>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>> https://github.com/apache/james-project/blob/master/src/site/markdown/server/manage-webadmin.md#reindexing-all-mails
>>>>>> [2]
>>>>>> https://github.com/apache/james-project/blob/master/src/site/markdown/server/manage-cli.md#re-indexing
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Benoit
>>>>>> On 05/11/2019 07:47, Jerry Malcolm wrote:
>>>>>>> I'm starting a new thread for this specific issue.  One external
>>>>>>> symptom
>>>>>>> that has now been isolated to this problem is documented in my
>>>>>>> long-running (and hopefully completed) thread about iPhones
>>>>>>> losing all
>>>>>>> of their mail.
>>>>>>> Here's what I know about this so far:
>>>>>>> 1) I had no clue what 'Lucene' was or what it did.  So I've never
>>>>>>> touched anything in any config file related to it.  Whatever
>>>>>>> happened
>>>>>>> came right out of the box as far as lucene config is concern.  (ver
>>>>>>> 3.4+... I extracted the master branch a day or so after 3.4 was
>>>>>>> released).
>>>>>>> 2) I have been in the process of migrating 17+ years of mail in a
>>>>>>> James
>>>>>>> SQL db from v3b5 on a dedicated server to ver 3.4 in Amazon Web
>>>>>>> Services
>>>>>>> environment.
>>>>>>> 3) On 21Oct, I threw the switch and went live on my AWS environment.
>>>>>>> 4) Immediately some of my clients with iPhones complained that
>>>>>>> all of
>>>>>>> their mail disappeared from their phone.
>>>>>>> 5) Being an iPhone user myself, I verified the problem.  However, I
>>>>>>> noticed that mail arriving to the new James instance was showing
>>>>>>> up in
>>>>>>> the iPhone.  Just no mail pre 21Oct.
>>>>>>> 6) Thunderbird was showing all of the old mail in the folders. But
>>>>>>> I've
>>>>>>> since determined that TBird uses a different imap command that goes
>>>>>>> straight to the JPA database to populate folders, bypassing the
>>>>>>> Lucene
>>>>>>> index.
>>>>>>> 7) After two weeks of educating myself on the entire imap component
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> doing a whole lot of adding log statements and trial & error debug,
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> Lucene index became the prime suspect
>>>>>>> 8) Today, I removed the var/store/lucene folder and rebooted. The
>>>>>>> iPhones now wiped out the last two weeks of email and either showed
>>>>>>> "No
>>>>>>> Mail" or mail that arrived in the few minutes after wiping the
>>>>>>> lucene
>>>>>>> folder.  Note that it STILL didn't reindex old mail, even with an
>>>>>>> index
>>>>>>> 'restart'.
>>>>>>> 9) Finally on a whim, I changed indexer.xml to use "lazyIndex"
>>>>>>> instead
>>>>>>> of "luceneIndex".  Finally, the indexes rebuilt successfully, and
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> iPhones now show all of the mail. Success...
>>>>>>> Summary:  lazyIndex seems to have no problems.  Not sure what's
>>>>>>> going
>>>>>>> wrong when luceneIndex is selected.  But it isn't right.
>>>>>>> Do I have any mis-assumptions?  Is there something else I need to
>>>>>>> do in
>>>>>>> order to get Lucene to index old mail?
>>>>>>> This has been a tough one... I think I'll take a nap now...:-)
>>>>>>> Jerry
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