All apache forums reject any posts sent thru the AWS SES gateway (see below), yet I must use the gateway since gmail and others flag all mail NOT coming thru the gateway as spam. So I'm stuck. I'd love to understand why I seem to be the only james user with this problem.  But in lieu of that, I still had to find a workable solution.  I basically needed two RemoteDelivery mailets, one that uses the gateway, and one that has a matcher checking if the email goes to * that doesn't use the gateway.  I tried simply creating a second 'NoGateway' processor that had its own RemoteDelivery mailet.  Even though it was configured with no gateway, it used the gateway anyway. Digging into the mailet code, it looked like the queue name was the issue.  I changed "<outgoing>outgoing</outgoing>" to "<outgoing>outgoingNoGateway</outgoing>" on the 2nd RemoteDelivery mailet hoping that would cause a second queue to get generated.  It seemed to work.  But I'd love some validation. Is there a better way to set up optional sending with and without using the gateway?

On 2/11/2020 6:07 PM, Jerry Malcolm wrote:
I simply cannot win.... I finally was able to get gmail to not spam every email I send to it by routing my outbound traffic through Amazon's Simple Email Service (SES) gateway.   As soon as I got that configured and working, I realized that all of the apache forums now reject all posts sent via SES. I've tried posting to the james forums and to tomcat forums. No luck. I now get a bounce saying I need to send posts from a subscribed email address.  It turns out that SES replaces the Return-Path header with a cryptic (dynamic) SES email address so that they can monitor bounces and complaints.  Apparently, apache forums use return-path to validate subscribers to forums.  If this is really the case, I'm curious why no one else has encountered this issue. So I'm assuming I'm missing something.   Currently, I have two james instances... one with the SES gateway configured and one without.  I toggle to the non-SES instance to post to apache and toggle back afterwards. Not exactly an elegant solution.... :-( I guess I'm going to have to resubscribe to all of my apache forums through a gmail account which is really ugly IMHO.

Am I missing something?  Is there some additional header I can add to apache forum posts to tell the forum to pull my subscribed email address from a different header?


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