Thanks for the comments.

>> So I gather than the email must be RFC882 compliant, which means that its 
>> implementing class must also be RFC882 compliant. Further, the implementing 
>> class must also be RFC5228 compliant. So the email object must effectively 
>> be both RFC882 **AND** RFC5882 compliant.
>> First, what is the relationship with RFC882? This is the spec for "DOMAIN 
>> NAMES - CONCEPTS AND FACILITIESโ€, so Iโ€™m having trouble understanding why it 
>> is relevant here.
> Likely none.

> related to too. And given the "one number mistake rule" is likely what
> the javadoc author intended to reference.


The โ€œone number mistake ruleโ€ indeed! Just not by the Javadoc author, but by 
me. ๐Ÿ˜‚
The Javadoc does indeed say RFC822. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

Even still, how the different concepts are made to come together here is still 
a bit confusing to me, so:

> We would need to rework it to make its usage easier.

That would be really helpful.

> And this should be likely done before documenting it (why invest in
> documentation that will outdate itself?)


> Given our previous exchanges I **propose** a first step:
> - As part of JSieve provide a `MailAdapter` class, that "just
> represent" a mail. It would be a Plain Old Java Object (POJO) along with
> it's builder. (it adapts a mail within JSieve context)


> - The SieveFactory takes a SieveScript inputstream, and a Mail adapter,
> and returns a list of Action that results from the sieve script
> execution against the supplied email.


Perhaps provide a โ€œdefaultโ€ MailAdapter? In that case, then the factory could 
even just take an email and a SieveScript InputStream and apply the default 
MailAdapter. The method with the MailAdapter signature would only be needed for 
custom MailAdapters.

> ```
> void runSieveScript(JamesMail jamesMail, InputStream sieveScript) {
>    MailAdapter mailAdapter = MailAdapter.builder()
>        .subject(jamesMail.getSubject)
>        .to(jamesMail.headers().to())
>        ...
>        .build();
>    List<Action> actions = sieveFactory.evaluate(sieveScript, mailAdapter);
>    // Do stuff with the actions
> }
> ```


> That way library users don't need to extend anything


> interacts with a simple POJO they need to populate


> and can implement the actions they want to support.


> This makes the entire API easier to discover. And it looks achievable with 
> limited investment.


> I also believe documenting that will be easier.


> I just want to conclude that, by challenging what exists, you are far
> from loosing your time. You might very well have been initiating the
> most important contribution to the JSieve library in the past few years.

Ok, good to know. Thanks!


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