Hi Matthieu,

> I copy/paste the summary here to be sure we are talking about the same
> thing.

Yes, we are indeed talking about the same thing.

> The right `flavor` is the JPA/Guice one. Docker image on github is
> linagora/james-jpa-guice

Ok, thank you! You have given me a lot to work with.

Since this is supposed to be the “easy” one to install for “non-experts”, what 
I would like to do is make documentation for 3 incremental steps:

 1. Install as a default (with minimal configuration), super easy to get going 
(maybe with a simple configuration script)
 2. Explain how to configure in more depth (basically like how it is right now)
 3. Explain how to extend the server with mailers / plugins etc.

Hopefully people can set up a server really easily to get going, then take 
incremental steps if necessary to satisfy their mailing needs.

> Please ask if you need more details.

I will certainly have many questions!!

Thank you very much!


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