On 10/3/2021 10:02 PM, Tung Tran Van wrote:

  I believe that is a new name for jpa-guice, correct?
Correct, You can see this commit:

There is no longer a run.sh, wrapper, etc.
The classpath embedded in the jar specified by the command line tells where
the libs are so you do not need to specify the JAR.
We do not have so far a wrapper for Guice applications.

Tung, Tran Van

Tung, thanks for the quick response.  I definitely like the cleaner approach with the embedded classpath, etc.  But I have quite a few rather complex mailets that call out other jar files that are not part of james.  Where is the recommended place to put those jar files, and should I just add a -classpath statement to the java command to define the jar location to the jvm?

On Mon, Oct 4, 2021 at 1:55 AM Jerry Malcolm <techst...@malcolms.com> wrote:

I've been on the spring builds for many years.  I'm starting to migrate
to the latest James technologies.  But I'm going to do it in small
steps.  First step is to move to Guice from spring.  When I'm
comfortable with that I'll start looking into taking the plunge to

I'm building from a fairly recent git source tree.  A couple of

- In the docs I believe I want the jpa-guice build.  But in the
server/apps folder there is a spring-app and a jpa-app.  I believe that
is a new name for jpa-guice, correct?

- In the read-me file, it says the command to start it up is:

$ java -javaagent:james-server-jpa-guice.lib/openjpa-3.1.2.jar
-Dworking.directory=. -Djdk.tls.ephemeralDHKeySize=2048
-Dlogback.configurationFile=conf/logback.xml -jar james-server-jpa-app.jar

However, the lib file in the main directory is
james-server-jpa-app.lib.  Pretty sure that is just an update that was
missed in the readme file.  But this command as-is fails. Changing the
command to use the lib file name in the directory succeeds.

- What is the correct way to launch james as a service with the guice
implementation?  There is no longer a run.sh, wrapper, etc.


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