*# Context*

James does mostly 2 kinds of processing:

 - Mail processing: when receiving a mail in SMTP, the mail is enqueued and then the mailet processing is executed. Mailet/matchers are called against it and a serie of decision can be made: store this mail n a user mailbox, forward it, bounce, ignore it, etc...  - Event processing: Once actions are taken in a user mailbox, an event is emitted to the event bus. Listeners are then called to "decorate" features of the mailbox manager in a non invasive way. ElasticSearch indexing, quota management, JMAP projections and state, IMAP/JMAP notifications...

Of course each of these processing can fail and error management is applied.

Regarding Mail processing the mail is stored in /var/mail/error .
To detect incidents:
  - ERROR logs during processing
  - Webadmin calls shows a non-zero /var/mail/error repository size
To fix this incident:
  - Explicit admin action is required, and if needed a reprocessing can be attempted (webadmin)

Regarding Event processing, listener execution is retried several time with a delay. If it keeps failingit is eventually stored in dead letter.
To detect incidents:
 - ERROR logs during processing
 - WebAdmin reports a non-zero size for deadletter
 - Health check, wich eventually does a recuring WARNING log that cannot be missed.
To fix this incident:
  - Explicit admin action is required, and if needed a redelivery can be attempted (webadmin)
**# Problem statement*

Most users misses this yet critical part of error management in James.

Actions are never taken, problems piles up.

While understandably major incidents with thousands of problems would clearly benefit from an admin intervention, I would like small incidents to self recover without a human intervention.

In practice, none of my clients (me included) managed to set up a reliable action plan regarding processing failures. Problems could be takled months after they arise thus escalating in major issues needlessly.

*# Proposal*

Get a recuring job addressing reprocessing/redelivery.

In order to avoid a retry storm, propose an upper bound to the count of entities reprocessed/redelivered. Such a retry storm could occur upon large scale incidents or persisting failures.

*# Impact*

In practice one reprocessing/redelivery per hour of 10 elements maximum would enable auto-recovering from minor incidents, without endangering overall performances, and would greatly benefit overall stability.

We thus would achieve auto-recovery of minor incidents.

Major incidents / persisting failures would still require admin actions.

*# Alternative*

An upper bound on redelivery/reprocessing exposed by webadmin would enpower the same kind of behaviour with external CRON.

 - Simpler code in James code base
 - Too easy for an admin not to configure this CRON

If the main proposal is deemed too complex, then this one would still fit my needs. I would just be happy to be selling consulting to say a user to configure these CRON ;-)

*# Related topics**
1.We would benefit from having the following metrics:

 - Size of deadletter over time
 - Size of mail repository over time

It would enable the set up of Grafana boards, allowing to detect issues without grocking logs.

2. We could have a health check checking /var/mail/error size and submitting a recuring WARNING.

In practice this proved useful to diagnose deadletter issues. I think error mail repository would benefit from this too.
**# Follow up*

I would be happy to open an ADR following this mailing thread. I can open JIRAs for the selected solutions,.

As we plan to do a Polish Sprint in June, Linagora would have some bandwith to work on the topic then.


Best regards,


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