Hi jean,

FYI Karsten already proposed fixes for that issue that have been approved and will be part of the releases. It's just a matter now of getting a green build from a rather a bit capricious CI^^'



On 1/11/24 15:09, Jean Helou wrote:
Much clearer thank you !
What do you think about karsten's request ? i have no idea how painful it
is to add that to the release ( i have a vague notion that the release
process is quite complex). Though i don´t use rabbitmq I think a bug that
results in hard mail loss is  severe enough to warrant a hotfix


Le mer. 10 janv. 2024 à 16:44, btell...@linagora.com <btell...@linagora.com>
a écrit :

I just merged the changelog updates, this should be better now.

On 10/01/2024 11:26, Jean Helou wrote:
hmm the linked changelog doesn't list any unreleased changes is that

Le mar. 9 janv. 2024 à 09:17, Benoit TELLIER <btell...@apache.org> a
écrit :

I would like to propose a new vote for 3.8.1 release of the Apache James

You can find:

    - The maven release staged in repository.apache.org as the artifact
    - The changelog for 3.8.1:

This release mostly ships bug fixes.

Voting rules:
    - This is a majority approval: this release may not be vetoed.
    - A quorum of 3 binding votes is required
    - The vote starts at Tuesday 9th of January 2024, 9am UTC+2
    - The vote ends at Tuesday 16th of January 2024, 9am UTC+2

You can answer to it just with +1 and -1. Down-votes may be motivated.

3 binding votes are expected move forward on this release.



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