On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 4:11 PM, Bryan Berry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I need to set up a testbed in our office w/ the latest XS stuff. Is
> there a new version since 163? If not, how can I update individual parts
> like ds_backup and other stuff I am not up on? edublog??

I am building a new image with ds-backup in the next day or so. Should
have been up last night or today, but getting the build env setup in
NZ involves transferring several GB over a slow link.

Edublog is moving forward, but it won't be on the images for a while,
as it is a custom Moodle (or patches on top of moodle), and Moodle
stuff is not on the XS yet.

Slowly moving forward :-)

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- School Server Architect
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