Hi Greg,
> 4 - pick what you created from the journal/file picker and upload it to
> the blog.
This does not work yet.  All available info made it seem like copy and 
paste would work and odt files and xhtml generation would work, but none 
of it actually does =(.  It will be at least a couple days to get Write 
upload working, but I'm working toward this full speed!
> but I need to the URLs and logins (leave the password out). The shorter
> the URL the better so maybe we will need a "home page" but leave that
> for later. Add the links to the doc and I think we are ready for alpha 
> test.
I added the links to the wiki page.
> If its not too hard, I think the new write with name changed and in 
> .xo format may be useful. If you can make and post that too, I think 
> we may need it.
I plan to first try to get write files uploaded, then patch Write.  Let 
me know if the other way around is better for you.

BTW, one thing I noticed is that the sessions are still timing out 
because many people are accessing from the same username.  It would be 
good if we can set up all the users first before the Beta test and 
ensure that the sessions don't timeout before starting the Beta test.

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