I've read the September posts on why bonding is being implemented in XS 0.5
and also the excellent article Martin referenced -

What I've gleaned so far - the purpose of bonding as far as the XS is
concerned is to allow the APs attached to eth1 and the usb active antennas
to work with dhcp in an environment where any of these devices may be
plugged in at any point without restarting the dhcpd service or the
network.  Correct?

So, in an environment where the usb active antennas are impractical, such as
in Birmingham where the XSs will be locked up in the IT closets away from
physical proximity to most XOs, what purpose would bonding serve?

Since Birmingham is planning on using "legacy equipment" for the XSs (read -
"old stuff"), XS software compatibility with older hardware is key.
Unfortunately I don't have newer hardware to test XS 0.5 with, but I haven't
gotten bonding to work on what I've got and, if the other emails to this
list are any indication, many other folks are having issues.

I don't mind trying to figure out stuff, but it sure is nice when things
"just work," as networking mostly did in XS 0.4.

Anna Schoolfield
Server-devel mailing list

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