
The USB install was prepared for me by someone else, loaded with version 0.5.0. 
It worked fine, but the install failed at the final stage due to some hardware 
issue which (I am told) is now fixed. 

When the 0.5.1 version became available, I replaced the XS image file in the 
/iso folder of the USB using my Windows PC.

Thereafter I have the problem as below, no matter what image file I put in the 
/iso folder (including the one that the USB drive came with and which worked 

- when it asks for the drive and directory containing the image file, it 
reports "That directory does not appear to contain any OLPC school server 
images" (or words to that effect)

I am not finding any help on this issue so tried to use the NFS server option. 
I get to the similar stage when it asks where the iso file is, it obviously 
finds the NFS share but reports "That directory does not appear to contain an 
OLPC school server installation tree"

It's all a bit arcane to me. 

I could use a USB CDROM drive but I don't have one handy and you cannot buy 
them in this country. 

David Leeming
Technical Advisor, People First Network, Honiara, Solomon Islands

-----Original Message-----
From: Jerry Vonau [] 
Sent: Friday, 13 February 2009 5:29 p.m.
To: David Leeming
Cc: 'XS Devel'
Subject: Re: [Server-devel] Install from NFS server

On Fri, 2009-02-13 at 16:40 +1100, David Leeming wrote:
> I am trying to install the server on a machine without CD drive via
> NFS server. I have set up the latter and the new machine seems to be
> finding the share. But it reports:
> “That directory does not seem to contain an OLPC school server
> installation tree”
> I have put only the 0.5.1 image in the shared folder. 
> Can U help. What else should be in the shared folder?
> I am using a USB flash drive to kick start but can’t get anywhere with
> that when it comes to the directory containing the school server
> image, it reports that the directory does not seem to contain any
> (whereas it does). So I am now pointing it at an NFS server when it
> gets to that stage....

>From your observations, I'd say that there might be a initrd/anaconda
mismatch. How are you creating the USB flash drive? The kernel and
initrd that is booting from the usb flash drive came from the iso image
that your trying as the installation source on the usbkey and/or nfs


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