On Sun, Feb 15, 2009 at 6:21 AM, Daniel Drake <d...@laptop.org> wrote:
> 2009/2/14 Martin Langhoff <martin.langh...@gmail.com>:
>> Later. 0.5.2 or 0.6. If you need it in a formal release, let me know
>> and I'll see about building a 0.5.2
> That would be very useful if you could do that within the next week...
> also if you could include my xs-activity-server patches?
> We will be deploying 10 servers very soon so this will greatly reduce
> the amount of work we have to do on each one..

I'll see what I can do ;-) -- got your patches marked for review, I'll
get into that on Monday.

At this stage, my main concern is the openssl-on-586-breaks-yum
problem. That is a showstopper and justifies a 0.5.2 .


 mar...@laptop.org -- School Server Architect
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