On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 1:31 PM, Yifan <yifan....@students.olin.edu> wrote:
> I went into the log files and realized that the domain had a "schoolserver"
> tacked in front of my domain name, which solved the previous problem;

Good problem solving! :-) And you are right, you have to add schoolserver.

> I'm now running into another problem in this step. Now I'm using
> ejabberdctl register admin schoolserver.olpcnetworkserver.cfs.mass.org admin
> and getting the error
> RPC failed on the node ejabb...@e1534: nodedown

Ok, I think I know what the problem is: at some point, you may have
started up ejabberd _before_ setting the right domain. Steps to fix...

1 - Stop ejabberd (it may fail, if it had failed to start earlier)
   /etc/init.d/ejabberd stop

2 - Check no ejabberd or beam processes are running
   ps ax | grep '\(ejabb\|beam\)'

3 - Remove the ejabberd database files (careful!)
   rm -f /var/lib/ejabberd/spool/*

4 - Check all domains are set right -
   "hostname -f" cmd shoud return the full fqdn: schoolserver.your.base.domain
    "dig schoolserver.your.base.domain" must return the correct
internal IP addr (

5 - Start ejabberd (check the logs that it started right...)

6 - Try the ejabberdctl command again, it should work...


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