2009/9/23 Henry Vélez Molina <henry.lap...@gmail.com>:
> I did an upgrade to the server with yum upgrade from the XS-0.5.2 version
> and I saw some strange things.
> * The transparent proxy does not work, I have to use my browser with the
> proxy ip to get access to the internet.

Jerry's advice on this can't be beaten so i won't try...

> * Before the upgrade I could see the moodle home page and the ejabberd web
> administration, but after that, I can see only the ejabberd page.


First: ejabberd web admin should be _gone_. What does `rpm -V xs-config` say?

Second: the problem with Moodle may be related to Postgresql. Can you
tell us the output of these 2 commands?

 chkconfig --list pgsql-xs
 chkconfig --list postgresql

(First one should say 'on' on levels 3,4,5, second should be 'off' on all).


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