On 07.12.2009, at 22:08, Dave Bauer wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 4:04 PM, Bert Freudenberg <b...@freudenbergs.de> wrote:
> On 07.12.2009, at 21:54, Dave Bauer wrote:
>> On Sun, Dec 6, 2009 at 7:22 PM, Gerald Ardito <gerald.ard...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>> Tomeu,
>> There is no mime type that I can see. The Journal entry simply says  File 
>> <filename.pr> from <url for file>.
>> This is no different, by the way, when I upload and then download games we 
>> made in Memorize. However, Memorize will load the downloaded game.
>> Thanks.
>> Gerald
>> Hi, I checked the apache config and added the mime type for the .pr files. I 
>> downloaded the file on my Mac and it got the correct mime type and offered 
>> to open the project in Squeak.
> I'm not sure if the filename doesn't play a role on the Mac.
>> I tried on soas-strawberry and XO-802 and it did not open etoys from the 
>> journal. Maybe etoys is looking for a different mime-type than 
>> x-application/squeak-project?
> Try application/x-squeak-project not x-application/... 
> It used to work on 802. And it does work in F11_XO1.5/Sugar 0.84 - I just 
> tried. Just go to Squeakland.org and click the project thumbnail next to 
> "Jeopardy 3point0" which is the current project of the week.
> Ok, good news! That opens in the etoys plugin in my browser so I will try to 
> change the mime type and test again. Thanks
> Dave

Ah well, the plugin embedding code (on Mac/Win/non-sugar Linux) provides its 
own mime type, so this does not really mean it will work in Sugar, where you do 
not have (nor need) the plugin.

- Bert -

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