On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 11:18 AM, Luuk Terbeek <terbeek.l...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In fact at this moment I'm a little bit confused.
> As far as I know Moodle will run offline on a Linux (school) server.

Sure! It's "not connected to the internet". But it runs on the XS.

What the Nepal folks mean when they say "offline moodle" is something
like Google Reader's "offline mode", which uses GoogleGears. I suggest
you try it.

What they want is to be able to see their course materials when they
are _away from the school_, for example at home, with no network
connection. The browser should be super-smart and cache the whole

See Google Reader's "offline mode" for a great example. I actually use
it quite a lot.

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