On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 10:38 PM, Andra DuPont <andradup...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have reconfigured my server so that my internet connection goes straight
> from my DSL modem to eth0 on the XS. This did not solve the problem (web

That part is strange, probably the logs (cache.log I think) will help.
Crank up the debugging/logging options of Squid...

> as the internet is active on eth0 of XS). When I disconnect the internet
> service, the AP computers can still get to the schoolserver, but not to the
> external web pages that should have been cached from the internet.

Well... while I wish that could work, I don't think we can expect it
to work at the moment for various reasons.

Most websites don't use http caching headers effectively, and Squid
follows them; observing directives like "must-revalidate" means that
offline won't work.

For the task you are trying to accomplish, wwwoffle is _the_ tool.

Squid and other "conventional"  proxies are too "correct" to be useful ;-)


 mar...@laptop.org -- School Server Architect
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