On Wed, Mar 02, 2011 at 10:38:07PM -0500, Dr. Gerald Ardito wrote:
> Both methods work within a session.
> In GNOME, I can connect to the hidden network. And, if I change back
> to Sugar, the connection is intact.

Yes.  NetworkManager still has knowledge of the hidden network
connection request in memory, having been told about it by the GNOME

(Restarting NetworkManager at this point causes the connection to drop
and not be re-established.)

> When I reboot, however, while the Wireless Connections UI (iin either
> GNOME or Sugar using nm) shows the connection properly, it does not
> actually connect to the hidden ssid.

Yes, I agree.  After reboot, NetworkManager is restarted, and therefore
no longer knows about the hidden network connection request.

The ONBOOT setting doesn't appear to work either.

I've tested 10.1.3 and 11.2.0 os11 and adjusted

James Cameron
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