On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 4:10 PM, George Hunt <georgejh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Tony, et al,
> The group of developers, working on the XSCE, are indeed attempting to build
> upon the good work that Daniel Drake did on the XS-0.7. But we are trying to
> extract the essential information from the history of the school server up
> to this point.
> The XS-0.6, based upon FC4, was released in the 2008 time frame.
> Nepal, Australia, Uruguay, perhaps for their own and different reasons,
> deviated from this released version 2008-2012.
> XS-0.7 was released for use in Nicaragua based upon Centos in early 2012.
> Our analysis of this history has been that the monolithic nature of the
> punji, anoconda build process is not helpful.  If the functionality of the
> school server could be dropped on top of a current fedora build, all of the
> hardware specific configuration would be handled by the general Fedora
> community -- our school server software doesn't need to change to accomodate
> arm, or x64.
> But as with any basic restructuring, starting from the ground up, we need to
> walk before we can run.  Whether it is reinventing the wheel or not --
> networking needs to work flawlessly. We have determined that one the the
> hardware platforms we need to support is the XO itself. The XO uses
> NetworkManager as it's networking frontend, so to be compatible, we have
> needed to learn how to configure NM.  Squid, ejabberd, and iptables need to
> play in all configurations of network adapters.

Get rid of NM and replace with scripts?

> In addition, if we are thinking for the next 10 years, we wanted a more
> modular plugin-like structure for adding additional services.
> So I believe Tony, you are correct, we seem to be "reinventing the wheel".
> But it's my hope we are getting this wheel ready to carry a much heavier
> weight.  We are hoping that by the third quarter of this year, the XSCE
> might be to the point where it is a drop in replacement for XS-0.7. At that
> point your good suggestions might be extremely useful.
> We are trying to provide a software framework that is attractive and
> flexible enough, so that in the future, the next Nepal, Australia, Uruguay
> will not feel the need to go their own way.
> George
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