FWIW, Sugar had been up and running on RHEL already a few years back
by Sebastian Dziallas. It is a matter of whether or not someone would
be willing to maintain it.



On Sun, Jul 28, 2013 at 10:35 PM, Tom Mitchell <mi...@niftyegg.com> wrote:
> More precisely CentOS tracks RHEL (Redhat enterprise linux).
> Fedora is experemental in that features found to be stable in Fedora can be
> gated into RHEL.    Another aspect is hardware.  For OLPC Fedora or Ubuntu
> is most likely to have hardware support.  Politics appears to open up more
> hardware on Ubuntu ....  (WiFi, Gfx).    Centos with alternates should  get
> there with some assembly required.
> On Jul 28, 2013 3:43 PM, "David Farning" <dfarn...@activitycentral.com>
> wrote:
>> We are mixing our channels abit here.
>> A Sugar based desktop on CentOS is pretty unlikely. As Peter noticed,
>> there are many dependencies necessary for a recent Sugar which are not
>> present in CentOS. CentOS intentionally lagges fedora by several
>> releases for stability. If someone wanted to do it badly enough, it
>> would be possible to backport the fedora 18 GTK stack to CentSO
>> A school server based on CentOS or Ubuntu LTS is more likely. The
>> challenge is remaining compatible with XOs. For hardware
>> compatibility, a XO requires recent OLPC-OS versions which are based
>> on recent fedora version.
>> The step necessary to make XSCE on CentOS run on _Commodity_X86_
>> hardware are not that great. The problem is that it would require
>> maintain a non-XO branch in parallel with the XO compatible branch..
>> Anyone have the time, energy, and flame retardant skin to tackle that?
>> :)
>> On Sun, Jul 28, 2013 at 4:41 PM, Thomas Gilliard <satelli...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> > I am having install problems using the i386 6.4 Centos Live Cd/DVD's.
>> > Has
>> > anyone had kernel panics after install finishes and when rebooting?
>> > i7 Laptop with install on USB HD (USB3)
>> > -------
>> > would like to do Both if it is possible.
>> >
>> >  But first I would like to setup a USB external HD with centos and
>> > install a
>> > schoolserver on it. As a test system.
>> > This could be booted on my system76 i7 laptop (gazelle) using a wired
>> > and
>> > wireless connection.
>> >
>> > I have a working install of os885  (11.3.1) on the XO-1.5 Adam lent me
>> > for
>> > testing.
>> >
>> > Getting a current Sugar-Desktop (Dextrose?) to run on centos would be
>> > great.
>> > The long term stability of centos is very attractive.
>> >
>> > Please contact Peter robinson about the possibilities. He did an initial
>> > try
>> > as sugar 0.88.1 on Centos as referenced below. But found that it had too
>> > many missing dependencies.
>> >
>> > Cordially
>> >
>> > Tom Gilliard
>> > Bellingham WA.
>> > #satellit_e on #schoolserver freenode IRC
>> >
>> > On 07/26/2013 06:09 PM, George Hunt wrote:
>> >
>> > If this is referring to whether XSCE will run on centos, that's a
>> > different
>> > question that whether sugar-destop will run on centos.
>> >
>> > But maybe I'm responding with insufficient information about the
>> > question.
>> >
>> > George
>> >
>> >
>> > On Fri, Jul 26, 2013 at 8:14 PM, Adam Holt <h...@laptop.org> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Jerry,
>> >> Can you help at all here?
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> On Fri, Jul 26, 2013 at 6:10 PM, Thomas Gilliard <satelli...@gmail.com>
>> >> wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>> Adam;
>> >>>
>> >>> Peter Robinson (usually on #fedora-arm) asked  me in a PM IRC session
>> >>> today to have you contact him:
>> >>>
>> >>> <satellit_e> has anything  newer been done on centos sugar-desktop?
>> >>>
>> >>> http://pkgs.org/centos-6-rhel-6/epel-i386/sugar-0.88.1-1.el6.noarch.rpm.html
>> >>> <pbrobinson> no, we tried it but the dependencies are too old
>> >>> <pbrobinson> so it was decided it was more pain than it was worth
>> >>> <satellit_e> ok   that was what I just found....:  )
>> >>> <pbrobinson> yes, I think 0.88 would likely work and it's likely from
>> >>> our
>> >>> attempt but 0.88 is ancient so we should likely just kill it
>> >>> <satellit_e> I like the long time stability of centos ....too bad
>> >>> <pbrobinson> It has it's uses but unfortunately because sugar is
>> >>> moving
>> >>> quite fast "long term stability" and "needed and wanted features" tend
>> >>> to be
>> >>> mutually exclusive. RHEL-7 (and hence likely Cent-OS 7) will likely be
>> >>> close
>> >>> to supporting what we need for Sugar 1.0 so that might suffice.... but
>> >>> then
>> >>> I said that with RHEL-6 too
>> >>> <satellit_e> I have been playing with schoolserver DX3 and Adam wanted
>> >>> to
>> >>> know if centos might be used but Way over my head I fear
>> >>> <pbrobinson> ask adam to email me
>> >>> <satellit_e> ok
>> >>> <pbrobinson> if he wants that discussion
>> >>> <pbrobinson> presumably DX3 is dextrose?
>> >>> <satellit_e> yes
>> >>> <satellit_e> olpc....
>> >>> <pbrobinson> OK, is it currently fedora based?
>> >>> <pbrobinson> (I've never used Dextrose)
>> >>> <satellit_e> I have tested it in Ubuntu and on my XO-1.5 and as a vdi
>> >>> in
>> >>> VirtualBox
>> >>> <pbrobinson> not sure what that means
>> >>> <satellit_e>
>> >>>
>> >>> http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Ubuntu#Ubuntu_12.04.2_LTS_-_Dextrose_Sugar_Live
>> >>> <pbrobinson> no, what I mean is the dextrose distro derived from
>> >>> Fedora
>> >>> or something else
>> >>> <pbrobinson> not what platforms you ran it on
>> >>> <satellit_e> looks like fedora
>> >>> <pbrobinson> OK
>> >>> <satellit_e> basically for XO-1.5 1.75
>> >>> <pbrobinson> if he's really interested in an educated answer tell him
>> >>> to
>> >>> ping me an email
>> >>>
>> >>> <satellit_e> https://sugardextrose.org/projects/dextrose/wiki/Wiki
>> >>> <satellit_e> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/User:Holt/XS_Community_Edition
>> >>>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> --
>> >> Unsung Heroes of OLPC, interviewed live @ http://unleashkids.org !
>> >
>> >
>> >
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>> --
>> David Farning
>> Activity Central: http://www.activitycentral.com
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Sugar Labs
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