On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 8:19 PM, Sameer Verma <sve...@sfsu.edu> wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 6:06 AM, David Farning
> <dfarn...@activitycentral.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 12:13 AM, Sameer Verma <sve...@sfsu.edu> wrote:
>>> Just noticed that on
>>> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/XS_Installing_Software_0.7 it says that
>>> stable version is XS 0.7 and unstable is XSCE 0.3
>>> Is this correct?
>>> Is XSCE to become XS 0.8? I am all in favor of the two projects
>>> merging, but as I understand it, XS and XSCE are two very *different*
>>> projects as of now. Some clarification would be great!
>> This question has many interesting implications! While I don't know
>> the answer to your question I do have some more specific follow on
>> questions.
>> Questions about today:
>> If I am a deployment, large or small, looking to deploy a school
>> server, which should I choose? and Why?
>> If I am a deployment, large or small, looking to make customizations
>> to my school server, which 'base' should I choose? Should I upstream
>> my customizations or should hold on to them?
>> If I a contributor looking to help ICT4E move forward, which school
>> server should I work on and why?
>> Questions about the future:
>> Is the XS feature complete? Does it do everything it can to add value
>> to deployments? If there are ways to add more value, is there a plan
>> or funding model to support that development?
>> Is the XSCE feature complete? Does it do everything it can to add
>> value to deployments? If there are ways to add more value, is there a
>> plan or funding model to support that development?
> It's not that complicated. My original assertion was to be clear about
> the roadmap for XS and XSCE. It is now clear that the XSCE project is
> not going to be the next XS. Both projects are very different, and
> convergence may not be in the best interests of all parties involved.
> So be it. Move along. Nothing to see here.
> From my perspective, XS is designed by OLPC to service their projects,
> which tend to be larger than microdeployments. XSCE, on the other hand
> seems to be driven by smaller LAN size, such as the classroom scenario
> promoted by AU, or my India project.
> We use XS 0.7 in Jamaica because it was the only game in town back
> then, it runs atop CentOS, and it uses Moodle, which we are not averse
> to. It is also tried and tested in many other deployments much larger
> than ours, so that's comforting.
> I also use XSCE in India, but for entirely different reasons. I needed
> something that was extremely low power. XS 0.6 that ran on a FitPC was
> ok, but it pulled 8W. I couldn't move up to XS 0.7, because of a PAE
> issue, and didn't have the resources to wrangle with it. The XO 1.75
> as XS running XSCE fits the bill for very low power, although running
> atop Fedora does not give me clear upgrade paths. We'll see how
> quickly that install gets old. In fact, XS 0.6 was on F9, and suffered
> the same fate. Personally, I would prefer the stability of CentOS over
> the newness of Fedora.
> Can XS 0.7 serve the features of XSCE? With a bit of work, sure. Can
> XSCE serve the stability of XS 0.7? With a little bit of work, sure.
> The difference in design is based on a difference in the needs of
> various projects. I suspect it is also fueled by a "not invented here"
> sentiment.

Interesting observations.

Can you expound on what you would like to see in XS-0.8 or XSCE-0.5?
The XSCE project will start their 0.5 roadmap later this month. Your
input is welcome.

> While the XS continues to live in the colored box on the wiki as an
> "official" offering from OLPC, as I expect it to be, along with the
> OLPC images for the XOs (and I hope we hear about the roadmap from the
> powers-that-be), I think XSCE needs to grow up and live in its own
> space on the wiki as a proper page, and not live in Adam Holt's user
> page. It is a community project and it should be treated as such. Let
> the deployment pick and choose what they'd like. If living under the
> same wiki becomes too contentious, space is cheap! Move some place
> else, and while you are at it, please keep the mailing lists open. I
> shouldn't have to write a paragraph to Adam and ask permission to be
> added to the mailing list. That stifles communication, and if you all
> haven't caught on as yet, we are *not* dealing with a technology
> problem! This business of building a dozen different server projects
> is a people problem.

Patches welcome!

If it is important to you that the wike move, please take care of the
logistics to move it. A proper web site would be nice as well.

If you are not happy with the mailing list, please set up and curate a
public list.

> I look forward to more communication on this and other lists and I
> sincerely hope we can continue to work together as one community.
> Oh, and I hope to see you all in October. http://www.olpcsf.org/node/133

Interesting use of the thinly veiled insults followed by a pick up
line. Has your wife been making you sit through romantic comedies from
the 80s? :)

> cheers,
> Sameer
>> Questions for OLCP:
>> Are there steps OLPC can do to encourage deployments to fund further
>> development of XS by OLPC developers? Are there steps OLPC can do to
>> encourage direct development of XS by deployments?
>> Would it be effective for OLPC to support and fund future development
>> of XSCE or a product based on XSCE?
>> Would OLPC officially endorse XSCE as supported project?
>> Questions for XSCE:
>> What can XSCE do to ensure that it continues to improve by adding
>> values to deployments with each quarterly release?
>> What can XSCE do to ensure future development viability via community
>> support, deployment support, OLPC support, or support through Activity
>> Central?
>> What steps can XSCE do to ensure that is solid base project for future
>> product offerings by: OLPC-A, XS; OLPC-AU, One Network; Plan Ceibal,
>> ?; OLE-Nepal, ?; Activity Central, Dextrose Server.
>> Immediate questions:
>> Is XSCE overstepping by have its wiki at laptop.org? Should XSCE
>> remain in a user space at laptop.org?
>> Should XCE have its own mailing list at laptop.org? Should it continue
>> the current blend of xsce-de...@googlegroups.com +
>> server-devel@lists.laptop.org ?
>> So.... I don't know the answer to your original question. These are
>> the questions that come to my mind when I think about the relationship
>> between XS and XSCE and their future :)
>>> cheers,
>>> Sameer
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>> --
>> David Farning
>> Activity Central: http://www.activitycentral.com

David Farning
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