On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 1:47 AM, David Farning
<dfarn...@activitycentral.com> wrote:
> This disruption is particularly evident in the relationship between
> XSCE and OLPC. Long term, XSCE _might_ be valuable to OLPC in their
> role as "The world food bank of education." Short term. in their roles
> as a sustainable business, it is a pain in the ass. What do you say to
> a customer when they ask for features which are still in a unreleased
> version of a community project... which just showed up on their wiki
> one day.

I don't see an issue here. You can leave communication between OLPC
and its customers to the relevant parties of the communication. That
should not stop anyone from writing code.

> A first question is should the XSCE wiki remain in a username space at
> wiki.laptop.org ? Should it move to another home? Should it move to
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/XSCE ? or should we wait 3 months and
> revisit the issue?

OLPC has historically been happy to host community project info on the
wiki and I don't see any exception here. In some cases notices are
added to pages noting that OLPC does not provide direct customer
support but I hope that does not stop any efforts.

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