Hey all,

I would like to float the idea of a School Server Special Interest
Group as part of the upcoming OLP-SF conference.

Over the last year, there has been a lot of activity around the school
server. In addition to the ongoing OLPC - School Server work, the
School Server Community Edition project has established itself as the
leading community supported upstream project. Activity Central is
creating Dextrose Server, a professionally support Downstream school
server product on top of XSCE.

With that in mind, I would like to test the temperature of the water
about holding a School Server submit as part OLPC-SF with a possible
School Server code sprint to follow.

The timing of this summit opens up several opportunities for
coordination between the people and organizations developing the
School server and the the people and organizations deploying the
server. Anyone interested interested in school server focused talks,
tutorials, sessions?

David Farning
Activity Central: http://www.activitycentral.com
Server-devel mailing list

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