Oops, forgot to copy server-devel

On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 10:55 PM, Anna <ascho...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Was weekly log rotation supposed to be a thing?  I thought we talked about
> it.
> Here's the XSCE on an XO 1.5, running like a champ for this uptime on
> xs-config-
> [root@schoolserver] ~ >uptime
>  03:43:11 up 8 days,  3:22,  2 users,  load average: 0.14, 0.24, 0.27
> [root@schoolserver] ~ >ls /var/log
> btmp          httpd     monit.log           ppp
>      spooler      user.log            yum.log
> cron          lastlog   moodle              puppet
>     squid        wpa_supplicant.log
> dansguardian  maillog   moodle-instupg.log
>  pwr-SHC0050085F-130911_002052.csv  sugar-stats  wtmp
> ejabberd      messages  powerd.trace        secure
>     tallylog     xs-setup.log
> I've poked into dirs in /var/log and don't see any log rotation.  But
> secure should be rotating, if log rotation is working.
> Anna
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