
Had some time on my hand this week to try out XSCE in a virtual
environment. It actually worked out pretty well, and now there's a working
appliance. Here's the three step XSCE demo!

*Step #1 - Download and install Virtualbox*

   - Head to https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads to download the
   Virtualbox package for your OS.
   - Install instructions may vary for different platforms but should be
   pretty straightforward.

*Step #2 - Download and install the XSCE appliance*

   - Download the XSCE Virtualbox appliance from here
   https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3eW2YPe6koIVXRVbDhSR0xXQ1U (approx 1.6
   - *[optional]* Verify the md5sum to see if the image is not corrupt
   - 56a4f141b564b0d2bd65c543a5e585c6
   - Open Virtualbox. Go to File -> Import Appliance.
   - A dialog will appear asking you to "Open Appliance"
   - Select the file you just downloaded "b_1364170741.ova"
   - Click "Next" and then click "Import"
   - A new virtual machine will get created

*Step #3 - Play!*

   - Start the virtual machine just created. It will open a window, and an
   OS will appear to boot.
   - Wait till it boots. Once it has booted, a login prompt will appear in
   a text console. Your XSCE is now up and ready!
   - To test/demo, on the host OS (i.e., the one where you are running the
   virtualbox software in) open a browser
      - XSCE homepage: http://localhost:3380/
         - From the homepage you should be able to navigate to Internet In
         A Box. This image contains a test dataset.
         - The link to the moodle homepage will NOT work. To access moodle,
         go to http://localhost:3380/moodle/login/index.php. I am not able
         to login, and there seems some issue with the homepage loading.
      - Administrative GUI: http://localhost:9990 (username=root,
      - Server monitoring tool - Munin:
http://localhost:3380/munin(username=admin, password=munindxs)
      - To check the authserver, go to http://localhost:5000/ (It will
      probably say "No Sugar platform detected, please register your laptop")


   - This is only meant to be a quick demo to see what an XSCE is on your
   - I didn't setup root login (or atleast don't know the password to it).
   So you won't be able to login to the XSCE once it's running. Should not be
   a huge issue just for end-user demo purposes.
   - This is just a weekend hack, I did based on a Vagrantfile supplied by
   Santi. At this moment, this is not officially supported or anything (but as
   far as I know in my testing, it works!)
   - If this is a useful thing to maintain (based on feedback to this
   thread :-) ) I (or somebody else) can propose this as a feature for 0.5/6.
   So there are officially supported demo appliances.
   - A wiki page is in the works.

Please try it out and let me know what you think of it!

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