On Fri, Nov 10, 2017 at 12:26 PM, Adam Holt <h...@laptop.org> wrote:

> Including IIAB 6.5 PRE-Release Notes
> <https://github.com/iiab/iiab/wiki/IIAB-6.5-Release-Notes> :-)
> But just a warning that Raspbian's mirrors (download servers) were barely
> working at all over the past ~12 hours or so, so you might have much better
> luck installing on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, Debian 9.2.1 or possibly CentOS 7.4 in
> the coming hours?
>    https://github.com/iiab/iiab/releases

Reconfirmed: disturbingly http://mirrordirector.raspbian.org is
hemorrhaging (works less than 50% of the time today, as
http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/mirrordirector.raspbian.org confirms)
for almost 24h now.

Consequence: those installing on Raspbian are having to run
"./iiab-install" 10+ Times In A Row today, just to finally get a regular
install (e.g. http://download.iiab.io/6.5/rpi/load.txt) to
incrementally/finally complete on Raspberry Pi 3.  What normally would just
happen on its own within about an hour.

Better to take the day off !

*( Possibly someone knows how we can build more resiliency into Raspbian
package downloads/updates in future, using
<https://www.raspbian.org/RaspbianMirrors> or similar? )*

What's new?  Our prototype replacement for ./runansible allows installation
> of IIAB 6.5 Preview 2 <https://github.com/iiab/iiab/releases> to progress
> far more efficiently, far more readably -- and to recover roughly where it
> left off during a large net-based install, avoiding repetition!  So once
> you have all your OS prereqs in place
> <https://github.com/iiab/iiab/wiki/IIAB-Installation#do-everything-from-scratch>,
> you can now run IIAB's new 9-stage / incremental installer as follows:
>    cd /opt/iiab/iiab
>    ./iiab-install
> NEW: it will even warn you if your Ansible and/or Raspbian kernel are not
> recent enough, and guide you to fixing these 2 most essential prereqs!
> Finally, most installers/implementers will still want to use a 1-line
> install/load scripts -- to walk away from the keyboard and have most
> everything taken care of.  As such, YES all our install/load scripts now
> take advantage of "./iiab-install" 9-stage incremental/recoverable installs
> too:
>    http://download.iiab.io/6.5/rpi/
> RECAP #1: if you suffer from a connectivity failure during installation of
> IIAB, the vast majority of problems are quickly solved by re-trying
> "./iiab-install" (after Raspbian mirroring sites hopefully come back to
> life later today!)
> RECAP #2: Raspbian folk...until the new Raspbian OS (point release) is
> officially released in coming days by the Raspberry Pi Foundation & All,
> avoid kernel compatibility hassles using this temporary measure to prep
> your OS properly, just prior to installing:
>    apt update
>    apt install raspberrypi-kernel
>    reboot
>    (then install IIAB as above, either way!)
> *Thanks all who've helped make this an incredibly high-quality pre-release
> already, just a few short weeks away from its final release sometime later
> this November!!*

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