I would like to learn how to run James from Eclipse and up front will
admit that I am not a guru with Eclipse.. (Have used it some in the
past, but not very savoy with it.)

Am trying to follow the instructions found at
http://wiki.apache.org/james/EclipseNotes and got rapidly lost..

1. I managed to get James checked out from the Apache SVN repository
without problems.

2. Verify Checkout and I hit the first snag.  The instructions say to
run the Ant 'build' script. I used find to hunt for a build.xml file and
could not find it. Ant of course complains about this...

So reading the BUILD.txt file it says I should use a different build
tool - maven. So I downloaded that and installed it. Then ran the
command mvn clean package which produced 18 minutes worth of output,
amongst which I noted several stack walkbacks from some kind of
exceptions. I dunno where, if any, a log file exists that would capture
all of this, but if anyone wishing to help wants to see it, please guide
me to it and I will post....

3. The third section on this web page talks about Modularization, and
this totally lost me. It says to start by creating a new user library
containing all the jars in stage....   Stage??? What and where is stage?

Now lost, I decided to go off and play with Eclipse to see where I am
at. The first thing I knew it was going to be asking for is where is
main. Hunting around I found a main class in james/container-spring so I
added this to the build path source folders, and pointed the run/debug
configuration for the Main class at it. That indeed brought the
container-spring stuff into the project but with lots of errors. I took
a look to see what was going on and it appears that the package
declarations in each of the source files differs from the way files are
organized in the file system as checked out from SVN. I.E. the
declarations start with org.apache.james....  while the expected package
(based on the file system organization) is
src.main.java.org.apache.james... for example.   My own experience with
Java development on Eclipse, in the past, agrees that the file system
organization is unexpected...  So SPLAT! I have hit a brick wall and
dunno how to proceed...  I guess I could modify all the package
declarations and see where that leads me, but somehow I suspect that is
not the path I should proceed down....

Anyone care to lead this poor lost java soul out of the woods?  I
probably am going to be asking quite a few "newbie type" questions as a
lot of this is unfamiliar to me.   (FYI, I have managed to do some
Tomcat development/debugging in the past with Eclipse, so I was kinda
expecting James development to be somewhat similar.) Thanks in
advance...   Marc..

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