I hope I can follow in the footsteps of someone who has done this
already...  My James server is going to be handling multiple domains,
each with its own set of sub-domains and I wish to use LetsEncrypt
certificates to handles the StartTLS or SSL/TLS connections that each
domain wants. Most of the examples shown on the internet show how to set
up a certificate for a single domain, not helpful! The instructions show
at https://james.apache.org/server/3/config-ssl-tls.html explain that
James uses a keystore which can store multiple certificates but then
there is this caveat - " You MUST have only one certificate in the
keystore file used by James." Really? Does this mean I have to create a
LetsEncrypt certificate with ALL the variants of -D <domainnames> for
ALL the domains that I want to support? That is going to be one heck of
a long command and difficult to maintain as I add and remove domains
from my server! I am confused and hoping there is an easier way to
manage this for James...  (Wish this was handled like Apache HTTP server
does it, one separate certificate per domain which all the subdomains
included... This keystore complicates things IMHO..) So would appreciate
it is some kind guru could show me how to set up certificates for a
collections of domains so that I can also manage the various subdomains
as well. For example -

www.domain1.com, mail.domain1.com, ftp.domain1.com, ssh.domain1.com, ...
www.domain2.com, mail.domain2.com, ftp.domain2.com, ssh.domain2.com, ...
www.domain3.com ...

All in one certificate???   Thanks for any advice in advance...   Marc...

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