Hi Jerry,

I'll try to be brief and not to come into many details of how Docker is
For that, I suggest that you go through some video materials and/or to find
really extensive documentation on Internet (blogs, posts, Docker
documentation, books, etc.)

In the meantime, I'll try to explain what happened in your case.

Obviously you've installed Docker correctly as we can see from command

There are actually two concepts in Docker that you have to distinguish:
Docker Image and
Docker Container.
Docker Container is "running version" of Docker Image.

When you stated:

[ec2-user@ip-172-31-47-236 ~]$ docker run -p "25:25" -p "143:143"

It actually means that it will try to run Docker Container, listening on
host ports 25 and 143, and Container should
be of a Docker Image "linagora/james-jpa-sample:3.3.0".

That image, "linagora/james-jpa-sample:3.3.0", should be availabe either
locally or placed somewhere on Internet, so
Docker can access it and grab it. For this kind of Docker Image store,
usually people use Docker Hub (https://hub.docker.com/),
but there are also other Docker Repositories (private or public).

As you don't have it locally, that Docker Image
("linagora/james-jpa-sample:3.3.0"), therefore you've got that information
in reponse:
"Unable to find image 'linagora/james-jpa-sample:3.3.0' locally".

At that moment, Docker Engine will try to grab that image from Docker Hub.

But unfortunately, I don't see that 3.3.0 version of that image exists.
You can go to URL (https://hub.docker.com/r/linagora/james-jpa-sample/tags)
for yourself and make sure that it doesn't exists.

I don't know how did you get that 3.3.0, maybe it is in some outdated
documentation, but I suggest that you try either with latest tag
(so the command would be  docker run -p "25:25" -p "143:143"
linagora/james-jpa-sample) or if you really have some reasons for 3.3.X
then I would try with docker run -p "25:25" -p "143:143"

Let's try that and then just reply to this thread.

Than You

On Thu, Aug 29, 2019 at 5:18 AM Jerry Malcolm <techst...@malcolms.com>

> I was preparing to do a trial run at getting James up and running on an
> AWS EC2 instance.  I went to the James home page and saw there is a
> 1-line command to download and install it.  However, to use that one
> line there is apparently an assumption of a full understanding of Docker
> and a pre-existing installation of Docker.  Docker isn't automatically
> installed with Amazon Linux in an EC2.  I was able to install it with
> yum.  But when I entered the command from the JAMES getting started
> page, this is what I got:
> [ec2-user@ip-172-31-47-236 ~]$ docker run -p "25:25" -p "143:143"
> linagora/james-jpa-sample:3.3.0
> Unable to find image 'linagora/james-jpa-sample:3.3.0' locally
> docker: Error response from daemon: manifest for
> linagora/james-jpa-sample:3.3.0 not found.
> See 'docker run --help'.
> Since there's no url to download james, I assume that the manifest that
> it is saying that it can't find contains all of that useful info.  I
> know nothing about how Docker works.  Where would I find the missing
> manifest, and if it was expected to automatically come with Docker as
> implied with the "1-line-download-install" statement, what did I do wrong?
> Thx
> Jerry
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Aleksandar dipl. ing. Stoisavljevic
Java Software Architect
SkypeId: staleks_ns
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/astoisavljevic
Web: http://staleks.github.io
Mail: Branislava Nusica 10, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia

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