Hi Matt, thank you very much for your response.,

Attachment: conf_mailetcontainer.xml
Description: XML document

We tried every possible configuration but still failing. It seems a general bug 
or we are missing a simple detail.

 <mailet match="All" class="RemoteDelivery">
                <delayTime>5000, 100000, 500000</delayTime>

> cryptearth <cryptea...@cryptearth.de> şunları yazdı (9 Eyl 2020 21:16):
> Hello Mehmet,
> this is an easy topic.
> Why this happens?
> By RFC a SMTP server has to accept incomming unencrypted connections on 
> TCP/25, as this is the default SMTP port. It depends on the server if and 
> what features to support. Some may be configured to only accept mails from 
> other servers, some may configured to only accept user connections (which 
> today is done via TCP/465 and TCP/587), but usually pretty much anything the 
> SMTP server is capable of is supported on this default port.
> As E-Mail was invented when the internet still was just a research project 
> and not many had even access to it, and standards like TLS were invetend 
> decades later, even todays server which comply with the original SMTP accept 
> unencrypted connections.
> So, why does Google complain about an e-mail was dropped over an unsecured 
> connection?
> Although no user credentials are transmitted when one server drops a mail on 
> another server the message body itself could contain data one might want to 
> protected against eavesdroppers or modification.
> To ensure that the mail isn't read or modified on the way between the sending 
> server and the receiving one this connection can be encrypted the same way as 
> a mail client can encrypte its connection to the server: StartTLS.
> James does support to enable outgoing StartTLS via config. The file in 
> question is <james-home>/conf/mailetcontainer.xml which, as by its file 
> extension, is a structured xml file. Within it there's a section starting with
> <processor state="transport">
> Within the transport processor you will find this:
> <mailet match="All" class="RemoteDelivery">
> This section is responsible what happens when james has figured a mail has to 
> go outbound to another server. To enable outgoing StartTLS just add this line:
> <startTLS>true</startTLS>
> In my config it looks like this:
> <processor state="transport" enableJmx="true">
> ... some stuff
> <mailet match="All" class="RemoteDelivery">
>           <outgoing>outgoing</outgoing>
>           <startTLS>true</startTLS>
> ... the rest
> This way when james sees the StartTLS extension after EHLO it will use it to 
> establish a secured channel before dropping in the mail. This will get rid of 
> gmail complain about a mail was dropped in via an unsecured connection.
> One note: For what ever reason it is important that the spelling is correct: 
> It HAS TO be lowercase "start" and uppercase "TLS": "startTLS" - any other 
> spelling will just be ignored or may throw an error at start up.
> Does it increase the overall security? Well, the only thing you may protect 
> against is that someone along the wire between your server and the nearest 
> google mail server may read or modify the mail - but as it rely on seeing the 
> starttls after EHLO anyone able to modify the connection can just drop it 
> which will force james to use a regular unencrypted connection. There're some 
> DNS records which could be used to enforce encryption, like DANE and others, 
> but unless you use MTAs which make actual use of them and have domains 
> providing the required records it's still just a possibility - there's no way 
> to enforce encrypted connections yet. TLDR: If you want to secure your mails 
> use something like S/MIME or PGP/GnuPG. StartTLS is just to secure the 
> communication channel itself.
> greetings from Germany,
> Matt
> Am 09.09.2020 um 16:35 schrieb Mehmet:
>> Hi there, does anyone experienced unencrypted mail problem? We are sending 
>> to gmail but says unencrypted. we are using 3.5 dockerisied version. We 
>> tried some config changes but did not worked so far.
>> Any help / professional support would be appreciated.
>> Regards.
>> Mehmet
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