On 21/12/2021 23:04, Bs Serge wrote:
> Hi all,
> I want to have an administrator able to manage users without using the
> command line and I'm curious about a couple of things :
> On the web administration page [1] it says that *webadmin* is only enabled
> with *Guice* that you can not use it when using James with *Spring.*
> Does that mean that if someone downloaded this Binary (ZIP Format) for
> Spring wiring version [2] and is using it, they do not have the *webadmin*
> component?
> Does that also mean that without the Guice version of James that there is
> not a web administration feature possible somehow?
It is possible to contribute the Spring bindings for webadmin. Nobody
have been contributing this yet.

Also, we should be able to distribute a ZIP version for guice James
servers as of recent 3.6.1 release. It just need one dev to compile,
sign and upload that to the download page. Will do if I have 5 minutes free.

I truly recommend using Guice, Spring stuff is quite old now. Guice is
also more flexible in its ways but also bring in a higher quality standards.

Best regards,

> Any comments or thoughts would be appreciated.
> [1] https://james.apache.org/server/manage-webadmin.html
> [2]
> https://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.lua/james/server/3.6.1/james-server-app-3.6.1-app.zip
> Best Regards,

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