Hello there everybody,

happy new year 2024 to all of you.
It's been quite some time since I was last active on this maillist. After 
upgrading my server to OpenSuSE 15.5 and James to 3.8 and after reading the 
recent topics on the web archive I decided to post a small round up how it 
went this way.

Important word of warning and security:
This is only a personal write-down how I did my setup. I'm aware there're 
still some security improvements to be done. This is meant as an informative 
guide. I'm by no means responsible for any security issues that may arise by 
following this. I myself got hacked by the Log4J issue mostly due to not 
applying the available update fast enough. It's your own responsibility to 
make your setup secure. All I can offer are some guidelines from personal 

That warning out now let's get to the real topic.

As several of the active devs here know I use James for quite some time now 
and over the years encountered several issues mostly specific to OpenSuSE and 
the packages provided by its repositories. Luckily this time everything went 

I started from a fresh clean "server"-type install, but this should be 
applicable to any existing system as well. So the first step is to fully update 
the new system.

As OpenSuSE comes with postfix I replace it with sendmail for later. I guess 
it's also possible with postfix or exim or any other MTA  providing the 
required sendmail dependency. Using sendmail was just the simplest option I 
figured out when I first used it.
The keyword here is "nullclient": It configures sendmail to just forward 
everything to James without any handling itself. For this sendmail comes with 
an almost ready-to-use config which only needs one change in /etc/sendmail/
linux.nullclient.mc in line 27 by replacing the example 
"mailhub.domain.notused" with "localhost". Then just generate the new 
sendmail.cf from it (either as root or via sudo):
m4 /etc/mail/linux.nullclient.mc > /etc/sendmail.cf

I also have to edit the systemd script. For some reason the systemctl edit 
command works a bit unexpected for simple edits so by appending --full it 
becomes a full override. The service file needs two changes:

1) moving the PIDFile from /var/run to /run as hinted by systemctl status 

2) remove the -bd flag from the start args to prevent sendmail from blocking 
port TCP/25:
Environment="SENDMAIL_ARGS=-L -Am -q30m -om"

Check if sendmail service is enabled and started: systemctl status sendmail
At least enabled it so it gets started at reboot. As James isn't setup yet to 
take its mails don't start it yet - it could cause a hang into an infinite 

Before get to James I prepare the rest of the system by install these packages 
(can be installed along when switching postfix for sendmail):
- java-17-openjdk-devel
- git
- maven
- mariadb
- phpMyAdmin-apache
- yast2-http-server
The required dependencies get pulled in by the resolver. After installing the 
packages YaST tells you to secure MariaDB. So I do this right away by running 
mariadb-secure-installation as root/sudo and set a root password. All other 
questions can be answered with thier default option (just hit enter).

To get phpMyAdmin running only the initial setup using "yast http-server" is 
required. Select enable PHP in the 2nd step and complete the setup by just 
hitting F10 a couple times. If the Apache2 server is accessible via the 
internet care should be taken by limiting phpMyAdmin to localhost. Edit /etc/
apache2/conf.d/phpMyAdmin.conf line 27 to "Require local" and use ssh tunnels. 
If you have services like a vpn or a tor hidden service running you may want 
to secure it even further with something like an .htaccess or similar. This 
way you prevent attackers from trying to bruteforce your database password.

Complete the pre-setup by use phpMyAdmin to add a new user for James.

Now let's build James:
git clone https://github.com/apache/james-project -b james-project-3.8.0
cd james-project
mvn clean package -DskipTests -T 1C
As I use the spring package I then unpack the tar in james-project/server/
I also need to get the mariadb-connector/J: https://mariadb.com/downloads/
connectors/ and place the .jar in the james-server-spring-app-3.8.0/lib 
I'm not sure why this isn't distributed along or part of the package manifest 
to pull from the repos - guess this is some licence nonesense.

It's config time now - and there's not that much to do.
As I don't use POP3 the first I do is disable the POP3 server.
Next I set up the database stuff by change the driver to
and the connector-string to
Btw: As pretty much any modern JDBC driver should be a type 4.x there's no 
need to specify the driver class name or do something like
As long as the driver jar is in classpath on startup of the JVM it gets pulled 
in via the ServiceLoader-API.

Next I set my domain and the greetings in the imap and smtp servers. I also 
enable StartTLS for both imap and smtp. As for outgoing smtp I also enable 
StartTLS by adding this to the RemoteDelievery in the mailetcontainer.xml:
This should be added by default as it's only mentioned in the RemoteDelievery 
javadoc but not in the XML doc nor in the config doc.
Until now I used a Java keystore for the certificate and key. But using the new 
PEM files directly skips this. Thanks for who added this.

The last part is to deal with sendmail and apache2/php mail. For this I first 
add two users to James (along with others like postmaster): webmaster and 
local-service. Then I add this to the mailetcontainer.xml right at the top of 
the root processor:

        <matcher name="local-service" 
                <matcher match="RemoteAddrInNetwork=" />
                        <matcher match="SMTPAuthSuccessful" />
                        <matcher match="SenderIs=webmas...@cryptearth.de" />
                        <matcher match="RecipientIs=local-
serv...@cryptearth.de" />

        <mailet match="local-service" class="Redirect">

To explain its purpose:
When starting James via crontab by root crond sends a start report via 
sendmail. In order for sendmail to not get stuck in an endless loop trying to 
deliver the crond status I have to provide some drop off destination for it. 
But as I also want to send e-mails by PHP I had to get a bit creative 
filtering. It basically goes like this:

IF incoming mail comes from localhost
AND is NOT authenticated via smtp auth
AND is NOT sent by webmaster (from php)
AND is NOT already redirected to local-service
THEN redirect to local-service

This rule maybe can be written better - but it was the simplest I came up 
with. The check for the recipient is required so the mail doesn't get 
redirected to itself again. The check for the webmaster is required as 
sendmail drops off php mails with wwwrun@localhost, which is overriden by the -
f parameter to webmaster. Any other client that regular logs in via AUTH is 
ignored anyway. And the whole thing is limited to localhost.

Finally, add a
@reboot /path/to/james/bin/james start
to roots crontab for james autostart.

If everything was done correctly james should start up just fine for the first 
time (it actually already had to for adding the users - but this can be done 
I do the first start via "console" to verify everything is done correctly. 
After all is done and james starts correctly I just reboot the system. Now 
when all comes up by itself the local-service user should have a mail confirm 
the successful start of James which also confirms that the sendmail nullclient 
and the mailet redirect works.

A common failure can be an issue with name resolution. In this case you have 
to manually set /etc/hosts and reboot again. This can also be done early on as 
one of the first few steps after updating the system.

To send mails from apache this can be done like this:

        $subject=$content="this is a apache webmail test";
        $headers = array(
                'From' => 'CryptEarth.de Webmaster <webmas...@cryptearth.de>',
                'Reply-To' => 'webmas...@cryptearth.de',
                'X-Mailer' => 'PHP/' . phpversion()
        mail($to, $subject, $content, $headers, "-fwebmas...@cryptearth.de");

A few improvements that can (and should) be done:

- don't start james as root but rather move the ports to 8025 and 8143 and use 
a firewall rule to redirect 25 to 8025 and 143 to 8143 ... but I have to figure 
that out
- maybe rethink about sendmail nullclient and do similar with postfix or exim
- maybe redo the mailet redirect for local-service and php-mail
- setting up DKIM on outgoing mails

Currently I have James running on two servers: my main root as primary and on 
a small sbc at home as a backup. Is there a way to synchronize the two servers 
on the application level. Or would it be enough to just synchronize the two 
datases secured by a ssh tunnel? How to handle the differences in the counters 
when both servers receive an e-mail each which have to get synchronized in 
both ways?

Have a nice week.
Greetings from Germany


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