
Thanks for reporting the problem. I am curious if you have collected any profiling data that shows sun.util.logging.PlatformLogger.redirectPlatformLoggers() is the cause of the performance degradation. This redirection is done as part of the logging initialization before JFrame is initialized. Since the performance degradation you observed is after the JFrame has been instantiated, it could be something else. If it's logging-related, it would be sun.util.logging.PlatformLogger.


On 4/16/2012 6:18 AM, Daniel D. Daugherty wrote:
java.util.logging is currently handled by the Serviceability Team.
Adding that alias to this e-mail thread...


On 4/16/12 12:17 AM, Nicolas Carranza wrote:
Moving the mouse pointer over a java.awt.Window using JRE7 consumes
aprox. twice the CPU time as with JRE6 when logging is used (when a call
to java.util.logging.getLogger(String)---even without using the returned
Logger--- has been done). Keyboard key event processing suffers the same
performance penalty. For steps to reproduce this problem please look at:

The performance degradation seems to be "enabled" by the call of
sun.util.logging.PlatformLogger.redirectPlatformLoggers() done inside
java.util.LogManager.readPrimorialConfiguration() on JRE7. Call chain:

This call is not made on JRE6. If this problem is not easy to solve then
I guess is better to remove this call from JRE7's
readPrimordialConfiguration as it does more harm than good.

Please let me know if there is a better place to report this problem. A
couple of weeks ago I "opened" a bug report on but I
received no response at all.


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